My throat swelled, but I refused to let the tears fall.

When I didn’t hear his truck start, I closed my eyes and let myself imagine, just for one minute, that he might knock on it or ring the doorbell

That I might fling the door open.

That he might kiss the hell out of me while he peeled my clothes off, and then make sweet, sweet love to me.

But when his truck started, I opened my eyes.

I swallowed my tears.

And I walked up those stairs, and grabbed my bags.

I left my key on the counter, and debated leaving a note. That wasn’t really my style, but… it fit the moment.

So I grabbed the receipt from my thrift-store trip and scribbled a quick note before turning and walking away.

And into a better life, I promised myself.


Two long days later,hunger led me to the only bar in town. I hadn’t heard from Kai—and wasn’t sure I wanted to.

Morgan was pissed about the whole situation on my behalf, and had offered to feed me herself, but I turned her down. I’d seen how growly it made Axel, and didn’t want to give them something to argue about… or make him hate me.

His pack already disliked me, anyway.

And of course, my phone buzzed the moment I walked through the doors. I inhaled sharply when I saw who had sent the message—and shut my phone off just as fast.

My eyes scanned the bar.

It was basically empty. The only customer inside was Ethan. The bartender was also the owner of the place… and he was talking vibrantly with a woman his age, behind the bar. It looked like he was teaching her how to make a drink. Her cheeks were red, and she looked really happy.

I hoped that was his mate.

I knew they’d been platonic for a long time, and he wanted more.

My stomach clenched when I let my eyes land on Ethan, who was already staring at me. He lifted two fingers in a wave.

I didn’t wave back, but I did move slowly across the room. When I reached him, I slid into the seat right next to his and slouched over.

“You look mostly better,” he said, taking a sip of his drink. It wouldn’t get him drunk, so it didn’t really matter how fast or slow he drank it.

“You don’t,” I replied, slowly lifting my phone and turning on the screen.

My eyes scanned the text message once, and then again.


how are you?

Frustration swelled in my chest.

How the hell did he expect me to answer that?

