“Loved it,” I admitted. “I’m going to meet them at the park after this.” I gestured between us. “Also, I brought you food. Burgers. I think your parents go all out for just about everything, if the morning was anything to judge.”

“They do. They were older when they had me—my mom was forty-one, and I think they’d already lost hope that it would ever happen for them. She called me her miracle.” He lifted a shoulder. “It crushed them, when everything happened with Elle. I never told them all the details, but they figured most of it out. And they’ve been really damn helpful with Lucas, ever since he was born. I couldn’t do it without them.”

“What about the pack?”

He made a face. “They’re about as helpful as a bunch of jaded single men can be. They try, and they do help. But it’s not the same as having Lucas’s mom around. Even though everything would be a hell of a lot worse if Elle was still around.”

“Well hopefully I can help more than them, at least.”

He squeezed my waist lightly. “You already have.” His lips brushed my forehead, and then my cheek, and then my neck. “You need to eat.”

“But we’re having such a nice chat about me potentially murdering you, and about your ex,” I tossed back.

He gave me a rumbly laugh. “Keep talking, Spitfire.” His hand slid back between my thighs, but this time, it stayed there. “Just try it.”

“You drive me crazy,” I whispered, as he dragged his fingers over my clit.

“Mmhm.” He slid one hand into my panties, and with the other, grabbed me by the hip and hauled me up off the ground, carrying me into the back room. “I can’t wait to feel you wrapped around me.”

“That makes two of us.”

He set my ass on the table, and I groaned. He laughed, dragging the strip of lace down my thighs. “I fucking love you, Iris.”

The words didn’t even register, because as soon as he’d finished speaking, his tongue and teeth were on my core.


I walked upto the park, sore and dazed and absolutely convinced that I was the luckiest woman on the damn planet. Lucas and Celia were both in their wolf forms, and I grinned when Lucas ran up and rubbed his furry side against my leg. He hurried over to the picnic table off to the side of the playground, and then shifted and pulled his shorts on before he ran back over to me.

“Iris! Can you shift with us? My wolf wants to play with you too!”

I laughed.

Shifting was… an unknown, to be honest. I’d never really done it. And my first instinct was to say no, that I couldn’t shift.

But Lucas spent so much time in his furry form. If he didn’t think I was accepting that part of him, it could change everything. It couldruineverything.

So I lied. “I’d love to shift with you!”

When he threw his arms around my legs for a fierce hug, before running back to the picnic table to strip and shift again, I knew I’d said the right thing.

Even if I was really damn uncertain about going through with it.

I couldn’t let him know that, though, so I strode over to the same picnic table he’d already abandoned again. All four corners of the canopy had been extended sort of, with two half-walls that would cover a person well enough to let them shift with privacy.

That was cool, I supposed.

I still felt pretty weird when I stepped into one of the corners and stripped my dress off, followed by my underwear.

Letting out a slow, long breath, I focused on the way I had felt when I’d shifted the first time. With my paws on the ground of Kai’s trailer, and my skin covered in fur.

A shiver rolled down my spine, and I felt my body stretch. My eyes shut, and my center of gravity changed.

A little yipping noise made me open my eyes, and I looked down in time to see Lucas’s furry gray body crash into my side. When I laughed, the noise came out as a rumbly chuckle.

I rubbed my head against the adorable little squirt, and he nipped at me, looking insanely happy.

When he bit my fur and tugged me toward the playground, I let him lead me there. We ended up running around, playing together, for ages. And honestly, it was one of the best afternoons of my life.