We continued talking until we fell asleep, wrapped in each other’s arms.

And for the first time since I lost my dad, I thought maybe the world wasn’t so wrong about time healing things after all.


We finished cleaningthe townhouse the next day, which was Friday. I learned that on the weekdays, Kai almost always finished up with work in time to pick Lucas up from school, and Violet and I usually finished up about that time too.

Kai wanted to be involved in picking out the furniture, so we elected to stay at the trailer until Sunday, when we could make a trip to the nearest city and load up a moving truck or something. We wanted furniture that would work in Kai’s house, too, so we’d already figured out the dimensions of the shit we wanted and were ready to go.

But first we had to make it through one more day.

Violet only worked some Saturdays, and this one wasn’t one of them. Kai, on the other hand, worked all day every Saturday. It was his biggest day of the week, and Lucas always spent the entire day with his grandma.

So, I had nothing to do. Morgan was spending the weekend in the forest again, with Axel. She’d offered to let me come hang out with her, but I had yet to have an actual conversation with any of the guys except Kai and Axel, so that sounded terrible. No one had ignored me again—we just hadn’t hung around outside long enough to necessitate a conversation.

Kai didn’t have a TV in his trailer—just an iPad that he only let Lucas use for thirty minutes a day or so. I’d probably feel like a bad influence for it, but I was definitely going to buy a TV for the townhouse, if we didn’t just bring the one from Lucas’s old place over.

Lucas woke us up by climbing on top of Kai, and then poking me in the arm with a silly grin.

I’d officially decided that five years old had to be the best age for a kid, because he was hilarious, and freakin’ adorable.

Kai looked up at the little dude with a small, relaxed smile on his face.

I flashed Lucas a sleepy grin. “Hey, Bubba.”

He’d told me I should call him Bubba, like his dad, and I definitely wasn’t dumb enough to turn him down when he handed me an invitation into his life.

“Hey, Iris. Could you drive me to gramma’s house today? I don’t want to go with dad.”

Kai snorted. “Thanks.”

I laughed. “As long as he’s okay with it.”

“He’s okay with it,” Lucas said without missing a beat.

Kai tickled his side, and he burst out laughing, rolling over his dad’s abdomen. Kai flashed me a grin. “That would be great. It’ll give me time to get ready for the day. And clearly, I’m not wanted anyway.”

“You’re wanted. Just not right now.” I winked at him, and he reached over to tickle me too.

A laugh escaped me as I slid out of bed, stopping in the bathroom before grabbing some clothes. Lucas went to pick out his own outfit while I got dressed, and Kai’s eyes were hot as he watched me change.

“You want to meet for lunch?” he asked me. “I forgot to set the alarm this morning.”

“You turned it off, actually. After I kicked you and told you to turn it off,” I teased, buckling my bra and reaching for my dress.

His lips stretched in a small grin. “Right.”

“Lunch would be great. I can pick up food for you on the way, if you want?”

“Doubt I’ll be hungry for real food.” He grabbed me by the waist, tugging my body against his. His erection met my belly, and my toes curled a little. “But I’ll let you bring me food, as long as it doesn’t make you late.”

“I won’t be late this time,” I murmured back.

Without a real door or wall between us and Lucas, we’d kept things PG-13 while I fed. It had given us plenty of time to talk about all kinds of random shit, which we had needed.

I think we were both dying for more, though.

He tugged my sleeve down my arm, lowering his lips to my shoulder and sucking lightly on the skin there. “I’ve been telling my clients you’re my wife. If one of them mentions it, just roll with it. A lot of them come from one of the college towns nearby, and they’re gossips. Every damn one of them asks about you since that one girl saw you.”