“I brought you something. I’m not sure if you’ll like it, but I thought it was kind of cool.” I pulled the little fidget toy out from behind my back and handed it to him. His eyes lit up, and he spent the next thirty seconds spinning the pieces around, figuring out how it worked.

I just grinned, watching him.

He looked so much like Kai, minus the long hair, stubble, ink, and muscles.

“Hey.” Kai tugged the door open wider, shooting me a playfully-suspicious look as he asked Lucas, “Did she knock on her own front door?”

“Yep.” Lucas grinned up at him, holding out the toy. “Look what she brought me.”

My heart pretty much melted as the massive man crouched next to his son, watching the little guy slide the pieces around. “Dang, that’s cool.”

He looked up at me, his lips curved up in half-smile, and Lucas looked up at him. “You’re smiling, Dad. I knew she could make you smile!”

My face heated, and I straightened my legs, standing upright.

“You knew it,” Kai agreed, his smile widening into a grin as he stood up too, ruffling his son’s hair as he reached for my hand.

His fingers wrapped around my wrist, and he gave me a light tug, pulling me into the house. “You don’t need to knock on your own door, Spitfire. Or mine, for that matter.”

I bit my lip, not quite sure I’d wrapped my head around the dynamics between Lucas and Kai, or how I would fit into them. But… I wanted to figure it out.

“Thank you,” Lucas said, grinning up at me and still fiddling with his toy. “My dad said you want to be friends.”

“I do,” I admitted.

“You should bring me more toys, then,” he said.

I laughed when his grin widened, and Kai snorted.

“I’ll keep that in mind.” I winked at him. I’d seen a big chest of toys outside their trailer while I was there, so I knew he wasn’t deprived or anything, but all kids liked new toys.

“Get back to those cabinets, Bubba. That ice cream won’t wait forever.” Kai flashed me a small smile as Lucas hurried to the kitchen. “We’re going to stop for a treat after we’re done cleaning. You’re invited, too.”

“Sounds like fun.” I tucked my hands into the weirdly-small pockets on my flare-leggings. “I kind of reek. Do you mind if I take a quick shower?” I pointed to the second floor.

“Of course not. I like the way you smell, though.” His hand landed lightly on my hip, and he lowered his nose to my shoulder, inhaling deeply. Goosebumps broke out on my skin, and my face reddened as I glanced over at Lucas, who was watching our interaction curiously.

I tilted my head toward the stairs, and Kai nodded as he lifted his face from my shoulder. He followed closely behind me, a hand remaining on my hip as we went.

“Did you tell him about us?” I whispered, as he followed me into the bathroom. Kai didn’t close the door all the way, but I knew nothing steamy was going to happen anyway.

“I did. He asked me if you would be his mom,” he admitted quietly, studying me.

My face heated further. “What did you say?”

“I told him that we’re mates, and I don’t know exactly what’s going to happen between us, but that I think you’d like to be his friend.”


That was just about the perfect thing he could’ve said, and knowing it calmed me right down.

My shoulders relaxed. “I can handle that.”

“Of course you can.” He leaned down and brushed his lips against the top of my head.

“What’s the verdict on PDA? And everything else?”

“He knows that most mates are together as couples. Obviously he doesn’t need to see us making out or anything, but he expects me to touch you on the shoulders, and waist. To hug you, and hold you. To kiss you too.” He lifted a shoulder. “I don’t want him getting the idea that all mates or platonic, or reject each other. And he’s kind of gotten that idea from hanging around with the other guys in my pack. Luckily my parents have been here to give him a better example than me.”