I still had ten minutes before I was supposed to be there, so I wasn’t late.

After throwing my hair in a ponytail on the way to the door, I peeked out the peephole to make sure it was, in fact, Kai before I tugged the door open.

The broad expanse of his chest and the way his thighs filled out those jeans was enough to make my mouth dry.

“Hey,” I said. “I thought we were meeting at your studio.”

“We are. There’s just a quick stop to make first.”

He scanned me up and down before stepping inside. “Are you packed?”

“Yep. Never really unpacked, honestly.”

He made a noise of approval, striding toward my bedroom without waiting for an invitation.

“I haven’t found a place yet,” I argued, following closely at his heels. “I was planning on calling one of the apartment complexes in town as soon as they open. I—“

“I took care of it.” He didn’t so much as look over his shoulder at me as he grabbed the first duffel bag’s strap, tossing it over his shoulder. My dirty clothes had been stuffed in a trash bag, since I only had the two suitcases and duffel bag, and the other ones were full.

“This is it?” There was surprise in his voice as he looked over at me.

“I don’t have much,” I said defensively. “We’ve been over this.”

“I’m not judging you. I just…” he let out a slow breath. “Never mind.”

Well, I didn’t like how he was changing the subject that way.

“What do you mean by youtook care of it?” I asked him as he grabbed the other bags.

“You’ll see.” He headed back toward the front door, and I followed him, since he had all my stuff.

“That’s not a good enough answer,” I warned him, as he loaded my bags into the back seat of his truck—which I was currently driving, since there was no way he’d had time to clean my car the way he’d said he was going to.

He closed the back door, turning to face me. There was only a few inches between us, and I fought hard not to suck in a breath and show him how strongly he affected me. “If I could survive one more night of you sleeping in a house that smells like shit, you can survive twenty minutes without agood enoughanswer.”

“Is this supposed to be a surprise?” I asked. “Is that what you’re trying to say, with all this?” I gestured between him and the car.

He flashed me a tiny grin, just a tiny curve of his lips. “I guess it is.”

With that, he opened the door and lifted me into the driver’s seat. “Now you’re ready.”

“Where am I supposed to go?”

“Just follow me.” He caught my hand and dragged it up to his lips, brushing them over the back of my palm before he released me.

I watched him as he shut my door and walked over to my car. He had to slide downward to fit inside it, and I doubted his gigantic body would even fit, but he managed.

When he pulled out of the driveway, I followed him.

As we navigated through the city, my eyebrows furrowed.

We were heading in a very specific direction—one I’d been in lots of times before. The same direction as the damn townhouses, which I had very clearly told him I wasn’t moving back to.

Irritation had me nearly ready to rage at him as we pulled up to the strip of houses—but confusion hit me as he pulled into the driveway of the townhouse on the far end.

I parked next to him, but just as I got ready to step out of the truck, his hands caught my waist and tugged me out of the vehicle.

“Don’t yell at me yet,” he said lightly, dragging his fingers playfully against my side. I swore, jerking away from him and trying not to screech at the discomfort of being tickled. “Our sigma left the pack years ago. He met his mate at about the same time I met Elle, and she’s from another state. They moved out there together, and aren’t interested in being a part of the pack. We still keep in touch occasionally, and he’ll still own this place until we’re all mated and decide to sell.”