He jerked his head in a quick nod. “I can be human. Do you think she’ll bring candy? Or toys?”

I remembered what she’d said about the money, and my chest tightened. I’d take care of that for her, like I should’ve since that first damn day. “I don’t know. We’ll just have to cross our fingers, huh?”

Excitement bloomed in his eyes, and then faded a little. “Why did you fight with uncle Finn? I smelled his blood.”

Shit; it was on the back of my knuckles. Not the ones in Lucas’s hair, thankfully.

“Uncle Finn and me sometimes disagree,” I said carefully. “And when me and your uncles disagree, sometimes we’re dumb enough to fight about it.”

Lucas frowned. “Don’t be dumb.”

I bit back a snort.

It was a little too late for me on that front.

“I’ll try not to be.”

“Will Iris still like us if you’re dumb?” His face grew worried.

“She’s my mate, remember? And mates like each other even when they’re dumb. The only time they don’t choose each other is if one of them is mean.”

His forehead smoothed. “You’re not usually mean.”

“Only when I drink your chocolate milk,” I agreed.

He gave me a small smile. “Or eat my yogurt.”

A chuckle rumbled my chest. “Luckily, Iris won’t mind if I steal her yogurt and chocolate milk.”

“Cause she’s a vampire?”

“Yep.” I lowered my lips to his forehead and gave him a quick kiss. “Now, you need to get some sleep. I have to call a few people, and then I’ll come snuggle with you.”

“You’re not going to sleep on the couch again?”

My bloody hand slid into my pocket, brushing over the lace I’d forgotten to pull out of it. “Not tonight. Tonight, I need to cuddle.”

He gave me another little smile. “Okay. Love you.”

“I love you too.” After I rubbed his head one last time, I headed to the bedroom portion of the trailer and plopped down on the bed, pulling my phone out of my pocket and getting to work.

Iris wanted proof that I wasn’t going to end things with her again; I’d give her all the proof in the damn world.



Gettingout of bed was a real struggle, despite the constant stench of the house. It was 4:45 AM, and I was not cut out for that early-to-rise shit.

I was just going to have to get used to it, though, because Violet pretty much always started our days early so we could finish early.

Which I would’ve appreciated, if I had a reason to go home at the end of the day.

But I didn’t.

And anyway, we didn’t startthatearly. I was having to get up extra early to meet Kai, not Violet.

I took a super-fast shower and then pulled on a pair of wide-legged yoga pants and a long-sleeved tee I’d found at the thrift store for work. There was a knock at the door as I finished packing my things, so I glanced at the clock.