He carried me downstairs—at his insistence, not mine—and sat down on the large armchair I’d never once sat in before, holding me tightly on his lap.

Axel and Morgan were on the couch, facing us.

“There are things you don’t know about vampires, because of questions you didn’t ask,” Morgan told Kai.

His arms tightened around me.

I tried to pry them off, but all of the puking had exhausted me—and I probably should’ve drank more of his blood, if we were being honest.

Morgan looked at me.

I huffed out a breath, knowing she was giving me the chance to tell him myself.

And as much as I didn’t want to, if there was really no way for me to even temporarily feed on someone else, there wasn’t a way around telling him.

“The mate fever isn’t cured until the second part of the process, the thirst, is activated,” I said. “Most vampires elect to go through with the bond to avoid the constant sickness and pain. When I left, I expected the fever to come back slowly, like it did the first time, buying us long enough for your wolf to grow unattached enough to reject me so we could part ways, but that didn’t happen.”

Kai’s body went still, and even without looking back at his eyes to check, I knew the wolf had taken control again.

“Leave us,” Kai’s wolf commanded Axel and Morgan.

Morgan opened her mouth to protest, but Axel was already scooping her up, calling over his shoulder, “We’ll wait on the porch until Iris tells us whether she needs a ride back to her house or that she’s staying with you.”

I supposed it was a fair way to support me without risking Kai’s wrath.

The man’s hands landed on my hips, and roughly spun me around on his lap, so we were eye-to-eye.

Or maybe wolf-to-vampire.

“No amount of time would remove my devotion to you,” the wolf said through Kai’s lips.

“You’re only one half of this equation,” I told him honestly. “And your human half seems pretty set on watching me walk away.”

His lips curled in anger. “He struggles with the past.”

“A person’s past determines a lot,” I admitted.

“Such as one’s willingness to lie to their fated mate?”

I scowled at the wolf-man. “No. I never really lied; your human just didn’t ask.”

“Should I take control from him? Rely on your guilt to take you back to my pack, to my son? Give you no choice but to bond with the child fate has determined will be yours?”

I nearly choked on my own spit. “No, you shouldn’t do that.”

“Why not?”

“Because you have a relationship with your human. If you took control from him that way, he wouldn’t trust you anymore—and he wouldn’t trust me, either. Especially with his son.”

The wolf growled through the human. “Should he reject you again in any way, I will take over. I will hunt longer, giving him control only when you need to eat. I will ensure that nothing and no one prevents our bond from forming.”


That seemed more than a little excessive, but I couldn’t exactly say so.

Instead, I just nodded.

The red faded from Kai’s eyes, and he sucked in air, grabbing at his throat with the hand that wasn’t still on my hip. “Shit,” he snarled, more to the ceiling than to me.