Hot damn.

Kai was basically a heart-attack with a really big dick.

“Sorry I’m late. My mom found out about us.” He gestured between us.

That announcement about stopped my heart.

What if she wanted to meet me?

How was I supposed to talk to someone’s mom?

I’d never even metmy ownmom.

“Don’t worry. I cleared things up; she understands the deal we have. She’s upset about it, but gets it.” He tugged his shirt over his head and draped it over an arm, exposing all that yummy skin and tipping his head to the side. “I’ve got to get going. Ready?”

I bit my lip.

I was supposed to tell him I wanted foreplay. Or… at least tell him I didn’t want to keep doing what we were currently doing.

It wasn’t like me to worry about hurting people’s feelings, so I forced the thought to the back of my mind and said, “I don’t want to have sex this time.”

He jerked his head in a nod, though his jaw tightened slightly. “No big deal. I’m late anyway.”

I was kind of offended that he didn’t fight me on it, but didn’t tell him that.

It would’ve been a dick move to grab his arm and just feed on him that way, so I forced myself to step up against his gorgeous chest. His arms wrapped around my back, hands gripping my ass as he hauled me up off the ground.

My teeth sank into his neck, and he let out a low groan.

There wouldn’t be any spontaneous climaxing this time though; not when we’d been together so many times so recently.

My legs wrapped around his hips anyway, and he still squeezed and kneaded the sensitive flesh. I drank until I was full and really freakin’ horny, and then released his throat.

He carefully set me back down on my feet. “My studio is on the edge of the forest. Moon Ridge Ink. Google Maps will get you there. Noon, right?”

“Noon,” I agreed.

He gave my ass one last squeeze before leaving my bedroom, striding out of the townhouse.

My heart was tight in my chest, my body annoyingly hot and wet.

I really, really needed a way to give myself a clean break from the man when all this was over.

At least I had a job.

Maybe if I kept reminding myself of that, I’d stop feeling like this whole damn thing was going to break me.

I got in my car,turned it on, and peered at the gas level.

A grimace tugged my lips downward.

Not great at all.

The light was already on.

I hadn’t driven anywhere other than the park and the dance studio since Morgan and I got to Moon Ridge. The light had been on during both trips, so it must’ve been nearly out of gas for ages.

I tried to mentally calculate how many miles I could make it verses how many I’d need to drive to the house, and then to the studio (which I was assuming was a tattoo studio, even though I hadn’t asked and he hadn’t told me), and then back to the house, and then home.