No one cared that much about me except her, and she was preoccupied with saidtrying.

So I sat, and stared at the forest.

It was beautiful, at least.

Even if it was full of way too much dirt.

I sat silently while everyone else ate, already feeling the effects of the lack of blood. Food and vampires did not mix; our bodies were made to move quickly, and function solely on blood alone.

Without it, we died.

With it, we were strong and healthy.

That was pretty much the extent of vampirism. Pop culture over-exaggerated a lot of shit.

“Iris,” Kai said gruffly, tilting his head toward his trailer.

I got up smoothly, striding across the camp.

There were a lot of eyes on me, but I didn’t slow down for them. If they were going to be shitty to me, I wasn’t going to try to move like a human so they could feel better about themselves.

We slipped into his trailer, and he locked the door behind us before he sat back down on the bench, in the same place he had the first time.

I stepped out of my panties, and he unbuttoned his jeans, pulling his cock out.

And dammit, the man was already hard.

Silently, I climbed up onto his lap and bit down on his throat. He growled sexy words to me while I used his body, not caring that I didn’t say a damn thing in response.

It was hot. Stupidly hot, especially considering how pissed I was.

He remained silent as I cleaned up, and only spoke up as I opened the door.

“I’ll be at the townhouse when the sun rises,” he said in a low voice.

I didn’t bother acknowledging the words.

Why should I, when he’d barely acknowledged me all day?

I waved to Morgan as she lifted her phone, pointing to it and silently telling me that she’d text me. I nodded back, walking to my car.

By the time I remembered that I had Lucas’s carseat, I was already halfway home.

I spentthe rest of the night on the couch, watching a superhero movie alone on my couch and contemplating life.

I’d thought I was going to die.

I’d thought that was my end, earlier.

And now I not only had to figure out how to live again, but how to live again while fighting off a mate fever that would come back again, and again, and again.

My stomach churned at the idea.

I let a few tears leak from my eyes.

Tonight, I was allowed to cry.

In the morning, I would decide how I was going to make myself enjoy life again, even without a damn mate.