“I’ll call them off, and meet you at the pack’s land. Just get out of there before anyone shows up.”

“Will do. See you soon.”

“Love you, girl. If you want me happy for you, then I’m happy for you.”

I glanced at the wolves again before I started backing out. “I’ll keep you posted on that.”

She laughed, and my lips curved upward a little.

I hung up the phone, then caught a glimpse of a group of single werewolves climbing out of their car.


I rolled down my window and hollered, “I’m mated, get out of here before your scent sticks to anything!”

And then, I hit the gas.


When I finally parked inthe middle of the damn forest, I was feeling even less certain about everything.

And shitty; I was starting to feel shitty again.

The fever was setting back in already, which meant I needed to bite Kai.

Which wasn’t exactly possible in the moment.

To get him to shift back, I knew I’d need the wolf to bite me, though.

And I was fairly certain he wouldn’t do that shit in front of his son. Hence driving to the pack land.

I climbed out, holding the door open for both the wolves. They made their way out together, Kai nudging Lucas gently so the little guy would hop out first.

Lucas took off, but Kai waited for me.

“The pack’s this way?” I asked him, pointing toward the massive trailer that I was pretty sure belonged to the wolf.

He dipped his head once.

I headed in the same direction Lucas had gone, looking around for a sign of the little wolf. When I came around the corner, I found Morgan grinning at him, while Axel held him and scratched his cute little head.

“Hey!” She flashed her grin in my direction, but it faded slightly. “You don’t look that much better.”

“Thanks,” I drawled.

She narrowed her eyes at me, and I knew I was about to get a lecture about my plan to die alone. So I said quickly, “Can you watch the little squirt while I talk to Kai? I need him to shift back so I can feed.” I gestured to the wolf next to me, and understanding flooded her eyes.

She nodded.

“We’ve got him,” Axel agreed. “You can go in the trailer for privacy.”

I wasn’t sure the trailer was quite enoughprivacy, but nodded.

“If he can’t shift back yet and you need me to feed you, I’m always willing,” Morgan reminded me.

“I know.” I gave her a small smile, turning and striding toward the trailer’s door.

Kai followed close at my heels, hopping inside the trailer when I opened the door.