Page 66 of Close Her Eyes

She gave him a weak smile. “It’s not you, Mett. Vance Hadlee has always been able to manufacture scandal from nothing, and he can make anything ugly.”


Cyrus returned to the hallway fifteen minutes later, looking pale and shaken. Josie couldn’t tell if it was still Anya’s presence having that effect on him or if Vance Hadlee had actually managed to put a crack in his ever calm facade. He looked at Anya but addressed all of them. “It’s getting late. After dinner time. You all want to head over to Garrick Wolfe’s place and talk to him, or you want to wait till the morning?”

Josie said, “We’ve had two women killed in our city in a matter of days. I don’t want to waste any more time.”

The Chief said, “Quinn, why don’t you let Fraley take you home. Mettner and I can handle this.”

She shook her head, which felt as unwieldy as a sack of potatoes. “No. I’d like to see this through. I didn’t almost get killed by Dermot Hadlee today to back down.”

Anya slid out of Josie’s grasp and turned to face her. She cupped Josie’s cheeks gently and tilted her head so she could see the wound from the car accident. “Resting after being injured is not backing down, Josie.”

Mettner laughed. “Don’t even bother, Doc. When she makes up her mind, there’s no convincing her otherwise.”

Josie extricated herself from Anya’s grasp and managed a smile. “He’s right about that. Really, I’m fine. Let’s go.”

“I’d like to go with you,” Anya said.

No one protested.

Cyrus said, “I’m assuming you all don’t need me to tag along and make introductions, then.”

Josie said, “I think we’ll manage.”

To Anya, Cyrus said, “Take the south side up the mountain. The road on the north side is closed. The last storm that rolled through caused a landslide about three quarters of the way to the house. It’s still not cleaned up.”

“Thanks,” said Anya.

Noah touched Josie’s hand. “I’m on board with your plan, but Josie, when is the last time you ate?”

Anya added, “At least eat in lieu of rest.”

“Fine,” said Josie. “We’ll grab a bite and then head to Garrick Wolfe’s place.”

“Then I’m going back to Denton,” the Chief said. “You’ll keep me posted. I’ve got Gretchen at work trying to locate Mathias Tobin and Carolina Eddy.”

As Cyrus’s instructions suggested, Garrick Wolfe lived on the top of a mountain at the end of a road that felt never-ending. At least, the south side road seemed that way. Josie wondered if the north side road, when it was open, was faster. Noah had found her some ibuprofen before they got on the road, dulling the pain in her scalp. Mettner drove with Anya in the passenger’s seat while Josie and Noah sat in the back. No one spoke except for Anya, who gave occasional directions. They’d been on the same twisting, one-lane mountain road for what felt like an eternity before she told Mettner to make a left. Only a simple black mailbox marked the driveway. Luckily for Josie’s pounding head, it was paved. It curved in two places before a large log home came into view. Parked in front of it was a four-door sedan. Light-colored. As they parked beside it and got out, Josie pointed in its direction. “If Garrick doesn’t have an alibi for the night Keri Cryer’s body was dumped, we should get a warrant for the car.”

“You think Garrick is behind all this?” asked Anya.

Josie said, “I think we shouldn’t rule anything out.”

Small artificial exterior lanterns illuminated the front door. Light blazed from several of the first-floor windows.

Noah said, “Has he always lived here?”

“As long as I’ve known him,” Anya answered. “It wasn’t ideal in bad weather, but the rest of the time he and Marie were happy here.”

She strode toward the front door. Josie was a few steps behind her. Close enough to see Anya raise a fist to knock on the door and hesitate.

“It’s open,” she said.

Before anyone could respond, Anya pushed the door open.

Josie said, “Wait.”

Anya screamed. One of Josie’s hands unsnapped her holster while the other reached for Anya’s coat. Josie caught a piece of fabric, but it slid right through her fingers. Anya rushed forward and fell to her knees. It was then that Josie saw what had driven Anya inside. A white-haired man, probably in his seventies, lay on his back in an ever-widening pool of blood.