Page 168 of Begin Again, Part 2

"Why is that even a question?" Julian asked. "Who are the bridesmaids?"

"Why is that even a question?" Matthew retorted.

"Anywho, prepare to have the wildest last night of freedom. You have to go out with a bang! I'm talking strippers—"

Liam quickly covered Aiden's ears with his hands. "Do you mind? Aiden's right here."

"Keep covering his ears." Julian smiled his approval and proceeded to outline his detailed bachelor party plans. "Where was I? Oh, yes, strippers and eating sushi off the half-naked bodies of the hottest models in town. And did I mention sipping champagne from their navels?"

"I have a question?" Matthew raised his hand.

"Go ahead, Son, speak!" Julian nodded.

"Are the said navels clean?"

Liam burst into roaring laughter, regretting it when a spark of pain shot up his side.

"Did you have to go there and spoil my fantasy?"

"Someone had to bring you back," his brother said.

"I don't want a bachelor party," Liam announced.

"But you have to finish strong and go out with a bang! Everybody goes out with a bang on their last night of freedom."

"I almost went out with a bang, like literally. So, thanks, but I'll pass!"

"What happened to you? Eden's got you by—"

Liam covered Aiden's ears again, and his son was not impressed with him.

"Cojones!" Julian finished off. "She's got you by the cojones!"

Before Liam could think up a smart comeback, James appeared at his side with a disturbing message. He leaned over, whispered for his ears only as he flipped through the phone and showed him high-resolution photos of Eden handing out drinks not too far from where he sat.

"How do you want to proceed, sir?" James asked.

"Give me a minute," Liam growled, his pulse roaring in his ears, his blood boiling.

James nodded and walked away, leaving him ashen.

"What's going on?" Matthew asked as they watched James round up his troops.

"Andrei's trying to get my attention."

"Jesus, Liam!"


Liam didn't reply, but his silence spoke volumes. His twin's bail hearing was fast approaching. He likely wanted him to drop the charges.

"Will you see him?"

Liam nodded. "What other choice do I have? He just sent me photos of Eden. He's watching her."

"I don't like this," Julian reached for another beer. This time, when Liam took one, no one stopped him.

"Not a word to Eden about this," Liam warned them as he guzzled down the bitter liquid, drained the can and reached for his second beer. When he was done with that one, too, he stood up and swayed on his feet, his head spinning a little.