"So what's this?"
"My marriage proposal to Liam," Eden replied and told them about the romantic dinner she'd prepared the night Liam got shot. She'd planned to surprise him with the pregnancy test and ask him to marry her since he said he wanted an out of this world proposal.
"What was wrong with fireworks and hiding the ring in a cake or ice cream?" Sienna asked.
Cassandra was the only one awake. "I'm sorry, are we all going to ignore the part where she was going to use a positive pregnancy test to ask Liam to marry her?"
"I know, right? Seriously gross!" Lydia shuddered.
"No idiot!" Cassandra smacked her lightly with her hand on the back of her head. "She's pregnant AGAIN!"
"I'm right here, you know!" Eden reminded them as she scooped Aiden up again and danced with him in her arms. But she set him down when she felt dizzy and lightheaded suddenly.
"Oh my God, you're right, Cass!" Lydia shrieked, and Sienna was instantly on her feet, hugging Eden. The other two joined in and squeezed her until she thought she'd suffocate.
"Edie, so every time Liam looks at you, you get knocked up and start baking buns in the oven?" Sienna facepalmed herself.
"That's not true," Eden tried to protest, but shut her mouth when she realised she had no leg to stand on.
"Well, it certainly seems that way," Lydia smirked. "But then again, you were both at it like rabbits."
"What happened to your implant?" Cassandra brought up the one thing Eden had hoped they'd forgotten after she swore up and down she wasn't pregnant.
"Let's just say the nurses in the back of beyond don't take their jobs seriously. Either that or they're not afraid to get sued."
"What does that mean?" Sienna looked intrigued, her antennae for a scandalous scoop twitching like crazy.
"You are not writing a story about this, Si!" Eden warned her and filled them in on her chat with Dr Emily.
"So it turns out I wasn't on an implant all along," she finished off and stuffed more glasses in the box, even though it was almost full.
"You can't let this shit go!" Cassandra shared the same outrage Eden had felt when she first found out she was pregnant. "You have to sue the hospital."
"What good will it do? It's not like it will make me unpregnant. Is that even a word?" Eden sighed and turned to the fridge to clear out all the spoiled food. "Anyway, since I'm planning this grand proposal, would you guys do me the honour of being my bridesmaids?"
"Hell yeah!" Sienna cheered. "That goes without saying, and let's clear this up right now, I'm the maid of honour, and I'll fight anyone for this job."
"Keep your stressful job. I'm happy to do the bare minimum and walk Edie down the aisle." Cassandra laughed, and Eden was glad to see her so relaxed. It had been a while since she'd seen her so happy, and she knew it had everything to do with their phone call earlier in the week and her promise to help finance her studio.
"What about you, Lyd? Are you in?"
"Assuming, of course, Liam says yes, I'm in!" Lydia had to be the Debbie Downer, and the other two spent the next five minutes putting her in her place while Eden fed Aiden his veggies.
"Why the hell would Liam say no?"
"Would you say yes if someone gave you a stick they peed on?"
"I didn't pee on it!" Eden yelled from the living room.
"Same difference," Lydia yelled back. "It still has pee."
Eden smiled to herself, grateful for the three of them. Without their constant support over the past few days, she would have collapsed from despair.