Eden wheezed and spewed water all over the table, while her father used ancient methods to save her life as he furiously tapped her back.
"Are you okay?" he asked amidst all the tapping. "Breathe, honey, just breathe."
No, she wasn't okay. She felt like a truck had knocked her over. Her throat burned, her back hurt from all the life-saving slaps, and her heart hammered out of control. But she managed to croak, "I'm fine."
"Don't you see it, the resemblance?" Erica carried on sweetly, her eyebrows arched in Eden's direction. "It's so uncanny."
"Don't be ridiculous, Mom. I just met the man. He can't be Aiden's father."
"I didn't say he is." Erica pointed out as she draped a napkin on her lap. "But they could pass for twins."
Amanda chose that moment to pop back in, exceeding all their expectations, as she placed steaming plates of pasta in front of them ten minutes earlier than she promised. Erica and Steve made a show of complimenting her unbelievably efficient service. Eden was more grateful for her perfect timing. With food in front of her, maybe her mom would drop her suspicions.
She didn't. She was on a roll the moment they had the room to themselves. "We must take Aiden when we visit Lois. Can you imagine how thrilled Liam will be to see a mini-version of him?"
"No!" Eden reined in the train before it could skid off the rails. There was no way she'd visit Liam's parents with Aiden. Unless she was suicidal. "My son won't be going there."
"But they invited us." Erica pouted.
Eden wouldn't budge. "Mom, she was being nice. She doesn't expect you to take up the invitation. Besides, Liam's my boss. I can't be seen fraternising with him outside of work."
"No buts! And please don't trouble the Andersons. Promise me you won't take up Lois' offer."
"Edie, that's not fair. Lois is a friend."
"She's an acquaintance at best!"
"She's still a good connection."
"Unbelievable!" Eden pushed her untouched plate away. "You're still thinking of ways to crawl up the social ladder. When will you stop using people?"
"People use each other all the time! It's called life!"
"No, only you call it that, Mom!"
Eden knew then that her mom would milk the Andersons for all they were worth if she ever found out about Aiden's paternity, and it was for that reason she decided not to come clean with them. It was bad enough Liam hated her guts. Pushing him into something he didn't ask for or want would be unfair.
"You still haven't promised," she reminded her.
"I'm sorry, but I can't do that."
"Well, then I guess the monthly visit I was considering with Aiden is off the table now," Eden said, crossing her legs. That was another thing she learned in her father's economics lectures. Compromising.
She wasn't planning to offer them visitation, but it was the only thing she knew her folks wanted more than social standing.
"Erica!" Steve surged to life. "I won't miss the chance to spend time with my grandson, because you want to hobnob with Rock Castle's royalty."
Erica returned to her senses. "Okay. I won't see Lois. But you can't go back on your word."
"You too, Mom. The minute I hear you met with the Andersons—"
"Enough with the threats!" Steve laid down the law and glanced longingly at Eden's plate.
She pushed it at him. "Have some, Dad. I'm not hungry."
"Are you sure? I was so busy marking papers I didn't get a chance to eat lunch. I'm famished."