Liam didn't get Eden out of his system. How could he, when he saw her everywhere? He'd smile at her, try to make small talk, but she'd return all his advances with a polite nod and nothing more.
Now that she reported to Matthew, a decision Liam regretted immensely, Eden didn't pay him any attention. In all the meetings he chaired, he may as well have been invisible. She barely acknowledged his presence. If she didn't understand something, she asked his cousins or the other assistants to clarify.
Liam knew silent treatment when he saw it. He'd been in his fair share of semi-long-term relationships and had landed in the dog box too often. But in all his past screwups, an expensive gift took care of the problem.
The longest he'd ever been in the dog box was two days. Three at the most. He was going on thirty-two days with Eden. She was determined to freeze him out, and today was no different. They were celebrating the 40th birthday of one of the assistants in the twenty-seater boardroom on the 36th floor, and Liam was so invisible he may as well not have attended the party.
Eden hovered near the snack table with the other assistants, and every time he tried to get her attention, she'd look away and sip her sparkling water. Liam was getting increasingly annoyed with her, and he didn't know how much of the silent treatment he could take. Irritated, he drifted to the corner and mindlessly made small talk with Matthew and Julian while stealing glances at Eden.
He'd wanted to ask his cousin for updates over the past few weeks, but somehow managed to stop himself. Not today. He'd finally maxed out his curiosity meter.
"How is she doing?" he asked, still watching her, fascinated at how she pushed her glasses up her nose every so often and bit her lower lip like she was thinking hard about something. Her hair had grown longer, but the soft curls were still there. She looked especially pretty today in her navy pantsuit, paired with a white blouse and black heels.
"Why? You want her back?" Matthew asked, following his gaze.
Of course, he wanted her back.
"Is she fine? Has she settled in? Does she like her job? Does she like us?" Liam demanded as he forced himself to look away from her. He didn't want her to start thinking he was a creep.
"Damn, you've asked so many questions. Which one should Matt answer first?" Julian chuckled and grabbed a glass of champagne.
"If by 'us' you mean you, then the answer is a hard no. You were brutal and never apologised," Matthew reminded him.
Liam knew he owed Eden a thousand apologies for everything, starting with the cookie incident and the stuff with Linda. He'd wanted to, but the longer he delayed, the harder it became to apologise. He doubted she'd accept his apology now when it was thirty days too late.
Matthew continued. "She's happy. She likes her role. Gibby's doing an awesome job training her, and her life's full..."
Liam glared at his cousin. He was holding back stuff from him, and he didn't like it.
"Full how?" he asked, loathing himself for allowing his curiosity to get the better of him.
"I don't think—" Matthew shook his head, trying to spare his feelings.
Julian, though, went for the jugular. "She's seeing a lawyer from Hayes & Jones. I think they're just chatting for now, but they might have gone on a few play dates with their kids. Don't quote me on this. One thing I know for sure, he sends her flowers every week."
"Good for her," Liam said, but something dark and alien stirred in his heart. If Eden was going on dates with the lawyer, she was definitely doing other stuff with him. Other stuff like kissing and touching him and—
"Mr Anderson," Gibby interrupted his broody thoughts. "You have lunch with your parents. They've just arrived with their security detail."
Liam grunted and reluctantly left the boardroom, throwing one last look of longing in Eden's direction.
"Where are we meeting?" he asked as he followed Gibby to the elevator, pausing when he noticed his junior assistant trailing behind them. "What's going on?"
"Since I'll be taking over from Gibby, I thought I should meet your parents," Clara replied.
"Why?" He frowned as they stepped into the elevator.
"I'll be managing both your work and personal schedules and—"
Liam cut her off. "No need. Ms McBride will look after my schedule."
"But you reassigned her to Matthew's area," Gibby said.