Liam laughed, but there was no amusement in his eyes. "Are you challenging a direct order, Ms McBride? Because if you are, you should read the code of conduct again, specifically the consequences of dereliction of duties. Clause 19.2."
Eden was amazed and mildly impressed he remembered the clauses of the HR manual. Nobody read those damn things. Well, nobody but Liam, it seemed. She still hadn't looked at any of the company's documents. But now that Lucifer was reading her the riot act and quoting clauses from memory, she'd better brush up on her knowledge. She didn't want to get caught with her pants down again. Something she'd been doing a lot of lately.
"I'll get on it. It might be a while since I'm still in training," Eden said, turning to leave. She didn't even make it halfway across the room when she felt Liam's arms around her waist.
"Did you not read the company's protocol?" he murmured in her hair, sending sparks of desire all over her body. Her knees almost buckled when she caught a hint of his natural scent infused with his cologne and soap. God, she'd missed it as much as she missed being in his arms like this.
"Rule number one—the only rule you have to remember at all times, Ms McBride." Liam brushed her hair aside and planted a fluttery kiss on her neck. "You don't leave unless I dismiss you."
Delirious with need, Eden arched her back, pressing into him.
"I haven't dismissed you," he growled and spun her around. His eyes lingered on her lips briefly before he lowered his head and kissed her hard.
It was wrong. Eden knew that. But powerless against the pull between them, she kissed him back, her arms coming around his waist. For a little while, they were lost in each other, drowning in their desire, until common sense came calling when Liam's phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out, but his other hand remained around her possessively.
"Anderson!" he said, his voice as thick as the bulge straining in his pants, pressing on her thigh. He may hate her, but his cock wanted her, Eden thought as she hid her face on his chest, her cheeks as red as the knee-length pencil dress she wore.
Liam listened to the caller and hung up without uttering a word. When he turned to her again and released her from his grasp, he was all business. "I have an off-site meeting tomorrow, and you're coming with me."
"But I'm not your assistant," she reminded him.
"I'm well aware of that."
She waited for an explanation, but he turned his attention to the laptop on his desk.
"Anything else, Ms McBride?" Liam raised an eyebrow questioningly, and Eden glared at him.
"This can't happen again. You don't get to treat me like shit, refuse to apologise and kiss me when it suits you," she said. "And since you love the HR manual so much, I'm sure there's something in there about inappropriate relationships."
"If by 'this' you mean our kiss, I'm afraid I can't promise you that," Liam drawled. "And there's nothing inappropriate going on here. You are here for one reason Ms McBride—I want you. Don't ever forget that."
"What does that mean?"
He ignored her question and pointed at the door. "Clara will send you the details."
And just like that, Eden was dismissed.
She fumed her way to the kitchen and was still enraged when she returned to her tiny office with a very bitter cup of black tea.
Isaac was as gorgeous in real life as his Hot Connexions profile picture. He had smooth russet skin, deep-set hazel eyes, a strong aquiline nose, and a square jaw. His hair was cropped short in a fade haircut. But it was the dimples that almost made Eden want to change his application from handyman to boyfriend. As a former fly-half for Rock Union University, he also had the body and the height of a rugby player. It helped that he was clean-shaven as well.
Eden liked them clean-shaven. Like Liam.
Isaac was also the perfect gentleman. He held the door, pulled out the chair for her, and was attentive to her every need. The longer Eden stayed in his presence, the more convinced she was that something was wrong with him. But thirty minutes in, she still hadn't found any serious flaws other than being a divorced single parent to a three-year-old baby girl.
"So, did you handle your divorce?" Eden was curious to know when she learned he'd handled a few high-profile celebrity divorces. She knew, from past chats, he was a lawyer. She just didn't know he specialised in divorces and custody battles.
"If only!" He laughed, blinding her with his megawatt smile and dimples. "They don't recommend it, you know, objectivity and all."
"Right." Eden nodded.
"What about you? Is Aiden's father still in the picture?"
Before she could reply, her phone vibrated on the table. She excused herself and moved to the corner of the room to take the call.
"Eden, where are you?" Clara sounded frantic.
"Meeting a friend at Rise. What's going on?"