Page 46 of Begin Again, Part 1

"I still don't see why I'm here—" Eden said, pausing when the waitress returned with their order.

Gibby pushed the box stuffed with Aiden's goodies across the table.

Eden didn't want to take the cupcakes since Aiden wasn't allowed to have anything that could trigger his allergy, but she didn't want to be rude either, so she mumbled her thanks.

"Will that be all, ladies?" The waitress asked.

"Yes, dear, thank you." Gibby shot her a winning smile and sent her on her merry way.

As Eden watched the young woman bustle through the room, cleaning up tables, she couldn't help but envy her. Waitressing wasn't the best of jobs, and it was demanding to boot. But at least she had a purpose.

Gibby picked up her cup and sipped her tea. "Liam's therapist believes you are the key to his recovery."

Eden was silent for a long time, her treacherous heart aching for Liam. She wondered exactly what she did to cause him such distress that he'd need a therapist's help.

Until he apologised to her, she would never excuse or forgive his behaviour. His actions were reprehensible. But if what Gibby said was true, his anger, the way he lashed out at her, made sense in the context of this new information. But—

"That can't be true. He said I meant nothing to him, and he regrets meeting me," Eden said, the knot in her heart tightening anew at the memory of Liam's words. Her hand quivered, and her cup rattled on the saucer as she picked it up and brought it to her lips.

"That was his ego and hurt talking."

"But Liam isn't the only one who suffered after that night." Eden took a small bite of her cake. Numbed by Gibby's revelations, she couldn't taste it, though. "I lost way more than him, but I don't go around attacking people."

"I understand. But I was hoping you'd find it in your heart to give him another chance," Gibby pleaded, her eyes softer than Eden had ever seen them. "He needs you, not only as his assistant but also for his recovery."

"What can I do?" Eden asked, rattled by the notion. As much as she felt terrible for causing Liam pain, she didn't see how she was key to his recovery. She wasn't a doctor and wouldn't even know where to begin helping him, and she explained this to Gibby.

"You can start by being around him. The more he sees you, the easier it will be for him to confront the past and deal with the cause of his trauma."

Eden was still not sold. It sounded like a made-up condition to her. It wouldn't surprise her if Liam lied to Gibby just so he could have another go at humiliating her. But what if she was wrong and he needed her help? Could she really turn her back on him? After all, he was Aiden's father.

"That's what his therapist recommends?" Eden asked after a short pause, broken by indie music and the constant chatter around them. "That I spend time with Liam?"

"I don't have the exact details of his therapy, but this is what he's offering." Gibby looked through the handbag at her feet and pulled out a new contract.

Eden opened the folder, took one look at the offer, and pushed it back at her. "I'm afraid I'll have to decline. If I'm so key to his recovery, he can do better than that."

Mouth agape, Gibby stared at her, almost as if she was seeing her for the first time.

"You said I'll be performing two roles." Eden wasn't concerned that she thought her shameless. One thing she learned from sitting in her father's economics lectures—and not out of choice—was the art of negotiation. She was in a much better position to negotiate because Liam needed her more than she needed him. He should have taken her when she was still okay with the R325K.

"Let me chat with him," Gibby said and promptly called her boss. She kept him on the phone while she scribbled another figure and passed the contract back.

Eden looked at it and rolled her eyes. "He can still do so much better than that."

There was a good chance they'd butt heads again if she returned to Anderson Logistics. Her salary had to make up for all her future pain and suffering. It was only right that she was well compensated.

Gibby exchanged a few terse words with Liam and returned to her. "This is the highest he's willing to go."

Eden grinned like a Cheshire cat as she picked up her cup with a steadier hand. The new salary was way more than she'd anticipated. "Tell him I accept his generous offer, but I have a few conditions."

Gibby returned to Liam. "Mr Anderson, we have a deal, but she has a few conditions."

Eden heard his raised voice through the phone and imagined him breathing fire in his office. But she didn't care. He wouldn't be in this mess if it wasn't for his temper.

Serves him right, she thought, smiling with satisfaction. He should have treated her better when he had the chance. Now he'd pay handsomely for his shitty actions.

Gibby hung up and delivered some bad news. "He wants you in at 6:00 AM tomorrow, and you cannot add any other conditions, or the deal is off."