Eden nodded, her upper lip trembling. "Right."
"Liam's an ass, don't pay him any mind. You are a TEN, baby! You hear me?" Lydia consoled her and held her tight. Eden couldn't have loved her more for lying to her. She knew her strengths. She was far from a ten. But maybe it was time she switched up her look and joined the millions of singles bravely navigating the terrifying world of catfishing.
"I think I'm ready," she announced after a short spell of watching muted adverts on TV. She still hadn't sorted out her Netflix subscription, so they all had to suffer through the shitty national broadcasting channels with millions of ads in between shows.
"For?" Cassandra asked suspiciously.
"To date again," she said, taking off the ring. "I've held on to this long enough. Maybe subconsciously, I also hoped for a different outcome with Liam even though I knew I never stood a chance."
Sienna held out her hand, and Eden placed the ring in her palm. "We'll get this evaluated for you, and maybe you can get a fat payout from it."
"And if your look bothers you so much, I'll set up an appointment with Franco," Cassandra offered.
With no prospect of a permanent job, Eden didn't think she could afford a new hairdo, especially from Franco. Mere mortals like her had to save for months just to sit in his chair.
"It's my treat," Cassandra said.
"Thanks, I owe you one." Eden gave her a wobbly smile, grateful for the three of them. They may fight sometimes, but she knew nobody loved her more than her friends. They were always there for her through everything, especially her questionable life choices. Interviewing for a job at Liam's company was high on her long list of questionable life choices.
They sipped their wine, and finished their food in silence, rolling their eyes at the ladies on the screen sobbing their way out of the bachelor house because they hadn't bagged a rose.
"Remind me again why they still have these shows when we have Tinder and Hot Connexions?" Cassandra asked, dumping her glass at her feet.
Eden glanced at it anxiously, making sure it was empty. She didn't want any spills on her floors.
"Imagine if Liam was the bachelor?" Lydia stirred to life and sat up, tucking her knees to her chin. "I mean, the whole of Rock Castle would flock to the bachelor house."
Eden threw up her hands in frustration. "If anyone mentions him again, they'll have to take a shot of something. I'm so over him, please!"
Lydia giggled, her eyes shining bright with glee. "Now, that's a game I can get behind."
"Pity, we don't have any alcohol." Cassandra sighed woefully. Wine, beer, or any alcoholic beverage were high up on the list of things she loved the most.
"I think you deserve a new boyfriend," Sienna said, changing the subject. They'd discussed Aiden's father long enough. It was time to move things along.
"Yeah, Edie," Cassandra agreed. "You wanted to see Liam, and now that you have, and we've concluded you guys can never be a thing, it's time to move on."
"Not this again, guys!" Eden shook her head. "The last time you brought up a rebound, see where it got me."
"Touché," Cassandra said, sitting back on the couch, her arms behind her head as she stared at the ceiling.
"I'm setting up a Hot Connexions profile for you. You can thank me later." Lydia refused to give up on Eden's love life. "Trust me, okay? You'll be dating in no time and having the best sex of your life."
Eden laughed, but she highly doubted she'd have the best sex of her life ever again. That ship long sailed with Liam, so she tried to wiggle out of the Hot Connexions plan. "Maybe I was a little rash. Let's pause on the dating."
Her friend wouldn't take no for an answer. She was already completing the registration form and asking her all kinds of personal questions.
"Look at it this way." Lydia tried to sell her the dream. "If it doesn't work out, you can friend-zone them and make them your handyman."
Eden didn't want to entertain the idea, but she looked around her cramped living room, blanching at the boxes still waiting to be unpacked. She'd barely begun setting up the place, and she was yet to go up the roof to check for damage. So it was for that reason, she agreed to sign up with Hot Connexions. She needed a handyman urgently. A boyfriend would be a bonus.
Liam was home for hours, but his mind was still in the meeting room, reliving his encounter with Eden. He twirled a glass of cognac in his hand as he sat on the edge of the bed. To say his plan had unravelled as soon as he saw the shrew was an understatement. He'd acted like an inexperienced schoolboy and jumped her the first chance he got. Not his proudest moment, for sure. The ring on her finger, too, had pissed him off more than he cared to admit, and he couldn't understand why. He loathed Eden, and the only reason he'd gone through such lengths to get her to sign was so she could fix him and make him whole again. He shouldn't care that she was wearing another man's ring. But he did—