Page 36 of Begin Again, Part 1

"Two years!" he growled on her lips, raking his hands through her hair as she nestled into him, drowning in his caresses. "This is all I've wanted for two years."

It was all Eden had wanted, too. Maybe that was her real reason for going along with Sienna's plan, even when she knew it would only end in disaster, because neither of them needed any complications in their lives.

"Why did you leave me, Princess?" he asked, gently nipping her lower lip.

Good grief, Eden thought, her toes curling. Where did he learn to kiss like that? And how did he know she'd like it?

"Why?" Liam nuzzled her neck, leaving a scorching trail of butterfly kisses on her skin. His warm breath, infused with his intoxicating scent—a perfect blend of leather, sandalwood, and minty soap—sent a swirling ache in her core.

"Tell me, Princess, why did you run away from me?" Liam demanded as he kissed her harder, almost as if he was punishing her.

"We both knew it was a one-time thing," she whispered, her breathing erratic, like the whirlwind of emotions relentlessly thrashing her heart.

Something in Liam died then, and Eden wished she could take back her words when he released her from his grasp and pushed her away.

"You're right," he said, the passion burning in his eyes just seconds before, gone. "It was a one-time thing."

"Then why are you so angry?" Eden asked, wishing she could have a moment to catch her breath. She felt out of control and in disarray, and desperately needed to understand what had just happened. If anything, she should be upset. At worst, he was a married man or in a relationship at best, talking to his 'Babe' on the phone not even an hour ago. Yet he'd just kissed her like he was single.

Now that she was back to her senses, Eden couldn't decide who she should be disgusted with the most, herself for coveting someone else's man or him for dishonouring his relationship.

Liam held up her left hand and stared at Simon's ring on her finger, a kaleidoscope of emotions flitting across his face. He snorted as he dropped it back down. "You're married! Does he know you throw yourself at any man that comes along?"

At a loss for words, Eden bowed her head. She knew the ring would get her in trouble someday. She never imagined it would be with Liam, though. It had always been her safety blanket, a protective covering to keep the judgemental stares and unwanted questions at bay. But now, it felt like an albatross around her neck.

"Does he know you purr like a kitten when you're in my arms?" Liam's mouth, the same one he'd used moments ago to make her forget the existence of a world beyond these four walls, was now twisted venomously, his beautiful face, hard and unyielding.

"You don't know anything about me," Eden whispered. "So, stop making assumptions!"

"I plan to. Now that I've seen how miserable your life has turned out, I can sleep easy at night."

Eden's knee-jerk reaction was to cuss him out and hurt him as much as his words hurt her, but he was still Aiden's father. One day he would find out about their son, and they'd have to co-parent, so she had to be diplomatic. "I'm sorry I left without seeing you that day. I thought I'd save us both the trouble. You had no business hooking up with me when you knew you were getting married."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Liam narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest.

Eden held up her hands, refusing to be drawn back to the past. "I need this job, so if you can put your feelings aside—"

"Don't get ahead of yourself, Ms McBride. I don't have any feelings for you. Not now and certainly not back then. You need a job, and it's my duty to help those in need!" Liam snarled, his words cutting her as much as the look of disgust on his face.

"Very well then," Eden said. "Now that we've established there are no feelings on both sides, I'll take the job. But, I won't start until you are sure this is what you want."

"Who the hell do you think you are?" Liam roared, and in a flash, he had her in his arms again, shaking her like a rag doll, and only then did Eden realise she'd truly hurt him. But she still couldn't understand how. They both knew their meeting would be brief, like two ships passing in the night. It made no sense that he was furious over something not meant to be taken seriously.

"I never wanted to hurt you," she whispered.

"You think you hurt me? Please, you're just a mousy librarian I was stupid enough to pay attention to. I must have been truly drunk out of my mind to even touch you. And you have no idea how I've regretted that night every day of my life for the last two years."

Eden felt like a speeding train had hurtled straight at her, ripped her limb from limb and squashed all the air from her lungs. She gawked at him, open-mouthed, unable to believe they had such different sentiments about their encounter.

Somehow, through the searing pain splintering her heart in two, she managed to find her voice, saying with as much grace as she could muster, "there's no need to be so harsh. I get it. You'd never look at me twice. But about that night...I have no regrets. You gave me a beautiful, precious gift and a second chance. Be well, Liam."

With her head held high, her back ramrod straight, Eden grabbed her handbag and made her way out of the meeting room, convinced the icy slab in her chest would never thaw.

Gibby followed her to the elevator bank, firing questions faster than Eden could answer.

"You have to go to group security for your access card." She grabbed her arm to stop her from leaving.

Eden shook it off. "I don't think Mr Anderson will want to go forward with the contract. I'll tear up my copy. I suggest you do the same."