Page 32 of Begin Again, Part 1

"Liam Anderson," he said, holding out his large hand. She grasped it firmly in her tiny one, a familiar tingle pulsing through her body when their fingers touched. She only met him once, hadn't seen him up close like this in two years, but her body was instantly alive at his touch, humming with excitement.

"Follow me," Liam said hoarsely.

"But the elevators are that way." Eden pointed in the opposite direction. Thanks to the map, she knew this place better than her neighbourhood.

The five Sandys behind the reception desk gasped and gawked when Liam abruptly paused, turned, and glared at her.

Eden knew then she'd made a grave mistake, so she tried to self-correct. "I mean, I saw them back there, but if your way is quick—"

She was about to say that if he had a quicker route, she'd gladly follow him, but his frosty gaze quickly killed her smart suggestion. She bit her tongue and held on to the thin strap of her handbag like her life depended on it.

"I don't have the whole day, Ms McBride."

"Yes, Mr Anderson," Eden said, stopping short of bowing, and she hated herself a little for treating him like royalty. But then again, here, he was the king, and this impressive thirty-six-story building, his castle.

"Keep up!" He barked over his shoulder, and Eden wished her legs were a little longer so she could match his gigantic steps as she followed him through the turnstiles.

This part of the building was noticeably quieter since it wasn't open to the public. Liam called the elevator. The doors flew open within seconds, and another ripple of excitement sizzled through her body when he touched the small of her back and gently pushed her inside.

How was she so aware of him, and he remained passively cool?

It helps if you have amnesia, Eden thought. She fumed anew at the knowledge that she truly was nothing but a meaningless hook-up, one of the thousands of women he'd bedded that year. How many more had there been since that night?

"—Ms McBride?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't get what you said." Eden snapped out of her thoughts, blinking at Liam behind her glasses, before shifting her gaze to her feet. Her new Louboutins, courtesy of Lydia and Cassandra, to help her step into her bright future at Anderson Logistics, were far friendlier than the frost in the man's eyes.

"I asked if you enjoyed it?"

"Enjoyed what?" Confused by his question, Eden gulped, her brain going into overdrive. Was he referring to their night? Did he remember her and the breathtaking hours they spent in each other's arms?

She made the mistake of glancing at him and immediately wished she hadn't when she saw the small smirk on his lips.

"Playing with the interactive map." The smirk stretched into a full-on smile. For an insanely tempting moment, Eden wanted to reach up and kiss him. But she planted her heels firmly on the floor and twisted her hands behind her in a feeble attempt to keep temptation at bay.

"So?" Liam asked. He wasn't planning to let it go.

"I did," she replied. "I love it. It's quite nifty and ingenious."

He beamed at her, clearly pleased with her response.

Eden didn't realise the elevator was stationary until he pressed the button to the top floor, her eyes growing wide with panic. Gibby had neglected to mention they were meeting on his floor.

Liam appraised her coolly from beneath his furrowed brow as the elevator soared up. Eden tried to match his stare, but the intense blue flames in his eyes were too much for her. Irritated at herself for being so aware of him, she looked away and mentally counted the floors as they continued to creep up. When she flicked her gaze back on him, his eyes were still on her.

"Is something wrong?" she asked.

"Why would anything be wrong?" Liam stepped closer. Eden remained still, not daring to breathe, certain that she'd spontaneously combust and shrivel up into ashes if he touched her.

"I don't know," she whispered when he paused in front of her. She caught a whiff of his familiar cologne, the same one on the shirt she'd 'borrowed' from him, and still wore whenever she missed the moments she'd spent in his arms. After two years, the 'Liam smell' was still there because she had never washed the shirt. She'd wanted to preserve it for as long as she could for Aiden. Maybe for herself, too, because it was their only reminder of him.

"Are you sure?" Liam asked, lifting her chin with his finger as he lowered his head. Eden closed her eyes, anticipating his lips on hers, excited by the notion that he remembered her. Why else would he try to kiss her? Why would he stand so close to her?

But he quickly shattered her silly illusions with his announcement as he touched her head. "You have something in your hair."

Eden's eyes flew open. Disappointment, confusion, and shock bubbled inside her as she watched him blow away the tiny tuft of cotton he'd pulled from her hair.

"I thought I was meeting Mrs Gibson," Eden said, her cheeks stinging from embarrassment. She was such an idiot. Why did she think Liam would kiss her when he didn't even remember her?