Page 28 of Begin Again, Part 1

"Welcome to Anderson Logistics," Gibby said, as she scribbled her signature. With a quick but firm handshake, Eden was now an Anderson Logistics employee, and her baby's father her boss. Well, not immediate boss, but still her boss. And she prayed she wasn't making a dreadful mistake.

"Who is the executive I'll be assisting? Can I meet him today?" she asked.

"You'll meet him soon enough." Gibby handed her a copy of the contract. "That's for your records."

Eden thanked her for her time and left in a haze of joy, convinced she'd dreamed everything up. From Gibby, her new fairy godmother, to the R325K salary. But the contract in her hands said otherwise. She wasn't dreaming. Her annual package was right there, in black and white.

"I'm not poor anymore!" She squealed as she broke into a happy dance and threw her hands in the air. "And I'm getting my clawfoot tub!"

The security guard who'd spoiled her photo fun earlier came to escort her out. Apparently, she was making a scene. But she refused to let him piss on her parade. She belted out Katy Perry's Firework as she skipped to her car.




Two doors down, in a meeting pod identical to Eden's interview room, Liam checked his Cartier for the hundredth time before he pushed the laptop away and began pacing.

Why was it taking so long to get a mousy librarian to sign a piece of paper? It was over an hour already. He should have handled this shit himself and never made Gibby go in alone, especially when he knew her feelings about Eden. But, showing up in the interview would have ruined the whole element of surprise. Since Eden had left him once, she'd likely bolt again. Assuming, of course, she remembered him.

Liam’s anxiety spiked through the roof at the thought that he was so subpar in bed Eden could have forgotten him.

"Doesn't matter!" He consoled himself. What mattered was that he remembered every little detail, every humiliating moment when he couldn't perform, and all the accusatory yet pitiful looks from the numerous women he'd wished to fuck but couldn't. Eden stole something precious from him, and he planned to make her suffer the same humiliation, if not worse.

He was about to call Gibby to find out if she needed reinforcement, someone from HR or even Legal, when the door swung open, and she strolled, her face scrunched up in disbelief.

"Can you believe she wanted to sleep on it? After pitching all the generous company benefits, she still wanted to think about it!" she ranted as she threw the personnel file on the table and glared at him.

Liam stood his ground, matching her scowl. "For goodness' sake, Gibby, you only had one job! What was so difficult about getting her to sign?"

"Who said I failed?" she asked, her face splitting into a radiant smile as she pushed the personnel file at him. "Congratulations, Mr Anderson, you have your second assistant!"

"Come here, you miracle maker!" Liam squealed with glee as he pulled her in his arms and carried her around the room.

Gibby screeched her joy, begging him to set her down. Several employees were gawking at them through the glass walls.

"Let them!" Liam said with a broad smile, unable to contain his excitement. "You deserve a bonus!"

"Thanks, I'll take it, but I'm still leaving after my handover."

"That's okay. I'll even send you on an all-inclusive vacation. Name your spot. You and Martin can make it your second honeymoon."

"Tempting!" Laughing, she pointed at his seat. Liam dutifully took his place as she reached for the untouched bottle of still water beside his laptop.

"We have a few details to work out," Gibby continued, sipping her water. "They'll start on Monday with a full-day orientation, followed by a month-long secretarial training. Normally, I'd take another month to hand over, but we'll run both concurrently. So, in a little over a month, you'll have not one but two efficient assistants. I still think Clara should be the chief assistant. She's more experienced."

"Your call, Gibby." Liam didn't want to get bogged down with all the small details.

"HR will look after all the support staff until Clara or Eden is comfortable to take over. I'd give them six months to a year."

Liam didn't care who took over what. Now that Eden had signed, he had to start planning his revenge.

"She seems sincere," Gibby said as if she could read his nefarious thoughts.

"How so?" He narrowed his gaze. Did she also fall for Eden's innocent, librarian look? Did the shrew convince Gibby with her smooth tongue, like she seduced him that night at Crush? He wouldn't put it past her. She was a pro at manipulation and getting her way.

"She recently bought a house, and all she wants is to look after her son."