Page 25 of Begin Again, Part 1

Sienna arrived around six and helped feed and bathe Aiden.

While her son played at their feet in the living room, Eden brought up the reason for their spur-of-the-moment meeting, keeping her tone as neutral as possible. "Why would you send my CV without checking with me first?"

"It was time-sensitive. They're hiring, and you need a job. I knew you wouldn't apply."

"I've applied for tons of jobs."

"Eight." Sienna corrected her. "And five rejected you. Now isn't the time to be picky."

"But it's Anderson Logistics."


If Eden expected an apology from her best friend, she'd have to look elsewhere.

"It's Liam's company. What if I run into him?"

"I thought the plan was to let him meet Aiden?" Sienna sipped her wine and nibbled on carrot sticks. She was on yet another diet.

Eden stole a stick from her plate and lodged it between her teeth, thinking over her question. Yes, she wanted Liam to meet his son, but on her terms and in her own time. This interview was insane, not to mention too soon.

"Edie, I doubt you'll run into him. He's too senior to sit in an interview for an assistant," Sienna said as she drained her glass.

Eden crunched the carrot and seriously contemplated the interview. "I know I don't have much experience, but how hard can it be? I mean, it's setting up meetings and running errands. I did that at Van Holt Industries."

"Now you're talking," Sienna nodded. "Plus, your big girl mortgage won't pay itself. You need this job."

The thought of her mortgage made Eden break out in hives. She scratched her hands and neck. Doubtful of everything again, she asked, "Am I the only one who thinks this is a terrible plan waiting to blow up in my face?"

"Stop overthinking this!" Sienna had reached the end of her rope with her wishy-washy attitude. She jumped to her feet, scooped Aiden up, and threw him in the air.

"More!" He clapped his hands. 'More' was his new buzzword, recently learned from one of his kiddie shows. Anything he wanted began with 'more'. More food. More play. More toys.

Eden beamed as she watched them goof around, her interview dilemma put aside for the moment. Seeing Aiden so comfortable around her friends filled her with joy. He was a little more partial to Sienna, though. Not surprising since she was at their place almost daily.

"You're right, I am overthinking." Eden took Aiden from her and placed him on her lap, tickling him everywhere until he begged her to stop. "It's been two years. I was one of the many random women he slept with that year. What are the chances he'll remember me? Besides, there are over a thousand people in that building. There's no way I'll run into him, right?"

"Right! And the company benefits are good. You'd be an idiot to let this pass."

"There's a chance I won't get in," Eden said. She still couldn't understand how she was even shortlisted with her lack of experience. "And just so you know, I'm still mad at you for sending my CV."

"You're welcome!" Sienna grabbed her stuff. She had to follow up on a hot scoop at the crack of dawn and needed her beauty sleep.

Eden walked her out with Aiden waddling behind them. She had to be careful whenever she opened the front door since he ran everywhere. Sienna hugged her tight and kissed Aiden before running to her car parked behind Eden's.

"Bye-bye!" Aiden called after her as they watched her drive off.

Eden picked him up and carried him inside, and as he touched and kissed her cheek, she was reminded yet again why she'd never love anyone as much as she loved him. He was her light, joy, and everything. A perfect result of her terrible mistake.

The sitter arrived at the agreed time, 10:00 AM. Eden spent half an hour showing her around the house and giving her detailed notes on Aiden's favourite food, potty training times and afternoon routine.

"This is his favourite toy. He can't fall asleep without it." She handed Brenda a PAW Patrol plushie. "Don't forget he can't eat anything with nuts...that includes sweets, biscuits, and chocolates."

"Got it!" Brenda gave her a thumbs up.

"All the emergency numbers are on the fridge if you can't reach me," Eden said for what she was pretty sure was the hundredth time. This was her first time leaving Aiden with a stranger, so she was anxious out of her wits.

"We'll be okay." Brenda said as she pushed her out of the front door. "Now go get that job."