It had been a long day, and the sensible thing to do would be to go home, have a few drinks, and pass out on his couch. But the thought of going back to his house left him feeling...uncomfortable.
When he first bought the place, it was every bit a bachelor's dream pad, the perfect place to entertain. Years later, it was still that. But now, he found it too huge for one person. Too quiet. Too cold and sterile. Not at all what a home should be. Not as warm and homely as the penthouse had felt when Eden was there.
A soft tap on the door screamed for his attention, postponing his real estate issues for a while as Matthew's assistant walked in. She stopped just inside the door, twisting her hands in front of her, her eyes skimming over everything in the room but him as she spoke. "Mr Anderson, you wanted to see me?"
Liam didn't invite her to sit down and state her case, simply telling her, "You're fired! Pack your stuff, and security will escort you out."
"I can explain, sir," Lucy pleaded with him, her eyes wide with panic as she ran to his desk.
Liam crossed his arms casually over his chest. "Which part of what I've just said gave you the impression this is a negotiation? You can leave on your own, or someone can see you out. Let me know which works for you, Ms Edison."
Without waiting for her response, Liam buzzed Gibby and Clara in. "Please help Ms Edison clear out her office and make sure all the protocols for dismissals are followed."
"Yes, sir," Gibby said, clenching her teeth as they led Lucy out of his office.
The door had barely shut when Matthew shot in, fury burning in his eyes. "You fired my assistant? We talked about this! You agreed you wouldn't run interference."
"I never agreed to shit!"
"Goodness, Liam, this is a labour law dispute waiting to happen. You can't just fire people."
"She assaulted someone. That's grounds for dismissal!"
"Not after HR already gave her a warning. Rescind your instructions now!"
"No," Liam refused to bend to his cousin's will.
"You!" Matthew snarled, his mouth set in a hard line. But Liam was unmoved by his anger. He nodded at the door. He was done talking about Lucy. He'd gladly take her on if she wanted to log a labour dispute.
"This isn't over!" Matthew barked over his shoulder, slamming the door behind him.
Liam was about to tackle his emails when Eden flew in, touching down like a mini-tornado on a path of distraction, bewildered, and almost in tears.
"You fired Lucy?" she asked, her voice trembling with anger. It could have been from her tears too. Liam wasn't so sure.
As much as he was pissed off at her lack of protocol and waltzing into his space uninvited, he was stunned into silence as he took her in. Her eyes were even more startling when they weren't hidden behind her glasses. He figured she was wearing contacts again.
He hadn't seen her in three days because he'd stayed away from her like he'd promised himself, avoided seeking her out even when his heart screamed at him to go to her.
He was always good at cutting people off and never needed to think too much about avoiding anyone. But with Eden, he'd learned a humbling lesson. Avoiding someone took strength, willpower, and sheer grit.
But avoiding someone he was insanely attracted to, whose body he craved with every fibre of his soul, took a hundred times more. And now that she was here, in front of him, within reach, Liam didn't think he'd have the strength to hold out any longer. He wanted her as much as he needed the very air to breathe.
"Say something!" She snapped, slamming her small hands on his desk. "Don't just stare at me. Tell me why you fired Lucy."
He glowered at her as he pushed away from his desk and approached her. "I don't answer to you, Ms McBride."
Eden stood her ground, glaring back at him. "You can't do that. You can't fire her. She needs this job."
"She should have thought about that before she touched you!" Liam roared at her, unable to believe she was furious with him. He did this for her. She should thank him.
"HR's dealt with it. I'm okay!" Eden yelled, and it didn't take long for their talk to spiral into a screaming match.
"I'm not okay. She hurt you! I'll never be okay with that!"
"I am not your concern, Mr Anderson."
"You are, Ms McBride. You are my assistant!"