"No, Mr Anderson, I'll get on it."
"This is the only time I remind you to do your job. If you can't be proactive, I'll find someone who can!" He slammed the phone down and turned to Gibby.
"Thank you." She smiled, making no attempt to leave.
"Anything else?"
"Yes. After Ms McBride left your office, she was so distraught she couldn't focus on our training session. I'm afraid your fight will hurt her progress. Can you talk things through with her?"
Liam shook his head. He'd let Jesus take the wheel on this one. It was beyond his control. "All communication between us will be handled by my therapist."
"No buts," he said firmly. "Ms McBride was hired for one job. Let's not blur those lines."
"The painting and vase?" Gibby asked. "She returned it, but Clara—"
"It's handled," Liam announced, frowning when he picked up his cup and found it empty. He must have been thirsty to have guzzled it down so quickly.
"Last night. Willow picked it up. It's somewhere in storage as we speak." He waved the cup at her. "Please, may I have another one?"
"Sure," Gibby nodded. "Clara will send one in."
She stood up and fixed her clothes, dropping all formalities as she slipped into her motherly role with ease. "Liam, you and Eden, is there no chance you can talk things through?"
He smiled at her. "There is. In Linda's office."
"That's not what I'm asking!" Gibby pressed her lips together. "It's obvious that you both feel strongly for the other."
"No, Gibby! I do, but Eden doesn't."
"That's not true. I've seen the way she looks at you—"
"Enough!" Liam growled. "I told you already. There's nothing to discuss outside the therapist's office. Ms McBride's already gotten a raw deal because of me. Let's not complicate her life."
After his call with Willow, he spent a long time tossing and turning, thinking about everything Eden had said. It pained him to admit it, but she was right. In his misguided but heartfelt need to make up for his past actions, he'd unknowingly made life unbearable for her. Had he known that an innocent moment between them would be blown out of proportion, he would have kept his distance from her at La Famiglia.
The last thing he wanted was to ruin her reputation and make her unhappy. And since she was a single mom with a small baby to take care of, he couldn't ruin this job for her. So his growing feelings for her would have to die a very quick death. There could no longer be any blurred lines between them. He hired her for one job. He should never have tried to bring feelings and romance into it.
Her arms crossed over her chest, Gibby glared at him and said, "you have to loosen up a little. Smile more. Talk to your staff and find out how they feel."
Liam knew by 'staff' she meant Eden, but he downplayed her comment. "Isn't it too early for a goodbye speech, Gibby? I thought I still had several weeks with you."
She spun on her heel with a huff. "You can't keep yourself closed off. You have to open up your heart."
I would if I had one, he thought as he turned back to his reports.
They were supposed to meet at the Portuguese restaurant on 8th Street, the same place Eden had dinner with Liam a few nights ago. But a last-minute appointment with a new client forced Isaac to move their lunch in-house at Hayes & Jones' cafeteria.
"Are you sure you're okay with it? I wanted to take you to a decent place," Isaac said for the millionth time, and Eden assured him for the millionth time she didn't mind. There was no need to splurge over a handyman interview. Besides, the restaurant would always remind her of Liam now. She didn't tell Isaac this, of course.