Page 130 of Begin Again, Part 1

She'd only been in here a few times, but she was always amazed at the space. Gibby's office was way bigger than all the other assistants' and exquisitely furnished to suit her impeccable taste.

She came back seconds later with a small smile. "His 11:00 AM cancelled. He's free now."

"Great," Eden said. "So, I can just go in?"

"Sure," Gibby ushered her out. "And don't forget our session is at noon today."

Eden threw another big smile over her shoulder. "It's a date!"

Outside Liam's office, she had to juggle the stuff in her arms just to knock on the door. By the time he called her inside, she was irritated and terrified the bottom of the box would cave in at any moment, and the vase would get smashed to pieces. She didn't have R500K to replace it.

"You wanted to see me?" Liam asked as he perched on the edge of his desk, looking the part of the sexy CEO in a classic charcoal grey suit and black shirt. If she wasn't so ticked off, she would have taken a moment to drool and appreciate all his hotness. But she was pissed off. So she tried her best to ignore his overwhelming presence and her body's reaction to him when she remembered all the delicious things he'd done to her at the penthouse.

Get your shit together, she mentally shook herself, banishing all thoughts of their scorching encounter.

"I wanted to return these." Eden gingerly placed the box on the coffee table and propped the painting against the couch.

"Oh, you did now?" A hint of amusement laced Liam's words, but the look in his eyes told her he was anything but amused. "Tell me, Princess, was your new office unsatisfactory in any way?"

"Old office." She matched his scowl, daring him to say something stupid because she was ready for him. She had nothing else to lose after the hellish morning she had. Getting into her first catfight and signing a warning she didn't deserve because of him had emboldened her bolder somewhat.

"Excuse me?" Liam's eyebrows shot up as he crossed his arms.

Eden was so sure he'd pounce on her at any moment, and they'd get into their worst fight ever. But he surprised her when he stayed put at his desk, exactly where she wanted him.

"It's an old office," she replied. "Only the furniture and paint are new. While I appreciate the renovations, they weren't necessary, and I imagine costly."

"It was due for an upgrade, so don't worry about the cost," Liam growled, his eyes glinting a dark stormy blue.

"I'm so relieved you didn't go out of your way to make me comfortable!" Eden snapped back at him and turned on her heel.

His gruff bark stopped her in her tracks. "Did I say you're dismissed?"

She paused, but didn't turn around. "No, sir, but I requested the meeting, and I've stated my case."

Liam lost his head, and before she knew it, they were squaring off, glowering at each other. Their fight, it seemed, was inevitable.

Liam thought she was disrespectful in her stubborn insistence to not follow company protocol. "I don't care how you act after hours. But right here, right now, I'm your boss, have some damn respect!"

Eden reminded him that respect was earned. "You don't get respect just because you are the boss. Since I've been here, you've treated me with nothing but disdain, and you've ridiculed me every chance you got. No more. It ends now!"

"And what do you think I'm doing right now, your office, the painting, the vase? That's to make up for everything I've done."

Eden shrieked, "I don't want your shiny things. I didn't ask for a new office. Because of your actions, everyone now thinks I'm the office whore!"

"What are you talking about?" Liam demanded, leaning over to stare at her eye level.

"Didn't you check the chat?" Eden asked in a small voice, suddenly overwhelmed by his proximity.

She knew that he knew she couldn't fight against the attraction between them, and he was trying to disarm her with his body and subdue her. Seeing right through his ploy, she stepped back from him, putting a bit of distance between them.

"What chat?" Liam asked, his eyes wide with confusion.

"The assistants' chat."

"I'm not in that group," he admitted, his voice softer, his shoulders at ease again as the muscles on his face relaxed. "Let me see it."

The tears Eden had tried so hard to contain flooded out. She brushed them away angrily while she unlocked her phone and swiped her screen, flipping through her apps before handing it over to him.