"Because I want to make you happy. I know I can make you happy, Princess," he said, tilting his glass at her. "And I want you so bad it's driving me nuts. You are all I think about. When I'm in meetings, in a room full of people, working, or out to dinner with clients... Doesn't matter what I'm doing; you are all that consumes me."
Eden's heart lurched to her throat, and the butterflies in her stomach reignited to life at his words. She was stunned breathless by his confession, and for an insane second, she wanted to dance with joy at the realisation that she wasn't the only one with these feelings. She wasn't alone in this need, which almost drove her to madness. But...
"What happens when this fascination wears off?" she asked the one question she didn't want an answer to, but had to know all the same because Liam would tire of her at some point. Once he was fixed and could fuck anyone he wanted, where would that leave her?
"Why would it wear off? Haven't we established you're the only woman who can get me off?" he asked, scratching his head. "Anyway, we're getting sidetracked, and it's not even the point of this conversation. The point is, we can do hotel rooms if that's what you want—"
"If that's what I want?" Eden scoffed. "Are you out of your mind?"
Liam ignored her. "Here's where we are, Princess. We both know you are the only woman who turns me on. I've decided to suspend my search for a cure because, frankly, you are my cure."
If it wasn't so insane, Eden would have found him hilarious and somewhat romantic in his forthrightness. She loved a man who knew what he wanted, and Liam seemed decisive about his plans, and it was a total turn-on for her. But she couldn't ignore the insanity of his proposal.
"Are you even listening to yourself? A month ago, you beat my heart to pieces, and now you want me to move in with you?"
"That's all in the past. I was angry with you, and I know I behaved like a total asshole. I should have treated you better," Liam said softly. "I will treat you better, because I realise what's important now."
"In the past?" Eden blew her top off, gritting her teeth. "Maybe for you, but not for me. You hurt me, Liam."
"And so did you!" He reminded her, gulping down his champagne.
"How? What did I do?"
He topped up his glass again and took a slow sip. "You left me broken."
"Not this again. I'm done. I'm leaving!"
"Not yet," Liam growled and pushed a glossy black folder at her.
"Open it."
"What is this?" she asked as she glanced at the file. She'd seen it the minute they sat down, and she'd done a good job of ignoring it throughout their crazy chat. But now, her intrigue was back, and she was dying to see what was inside, despite the intensity in Liam's eyes filling her with apprehension.
"You won't know unless you open it."
Against her better judgment, Eden peeked at the document, anger warming up her face. "Unbelievable!"
"Look it over, read it, and then sign it," Liam commanded, his tone brooking no argument. "It's a very short list of rules we must follow. If I can't sleep with anyone else, it's only fair that you don't step out on me. But I have to be honest and upfront with you—my heart is not part of the deal."
Eden laughed softly, but there was no amusement in her eyes, and the sound emanating from her throat was anything but happy. The one thing she wanted was off-limits, and Liam had just spelt it out for her in plain English. She'd be a fool to agree to this, a total whack job for walking into this crazy arrangement with her eyes wide open.
"You can use my body all you want, though—"
Eden had no doubt in her mind he'd have carried on with his insane offer if she hadn't violently yanked the napkin off her lap and dumped it on the table beside the smoked salmon bisque she hardly touched. "You've lost your mind!"
"Maybe." Liam nodded. "But you will sign it, and once you do, I'll fuck your brains out, and we'll both have the best sex of our lives. We both want the same thing. And the sooner you get on board, the quicker we can be happy. I can make you happy."
"No," Eden threw him an icy glare. "I will not enter into an intimate relationship of convenience with you. Take me home. Take me home right now!"
"Sleep on it. Take as long as you need. But this will be your new home once you agree. You should look around, decide what you want to change and keep."
"I'm not moving in with you." Eden insisted. "What about my son? You don't even like children. You told your parents you don't want children."
"It's true; I don't like kids. But I'll make an exception for Aiden." He smiled wryly. "And to answer your question, he'll move in with us. You might want to check out his room first before you leave."
"Stop, stop, stop!" Eden shrieked. Everything he'd said since they sat down made no sense. "This is crazy. Why can't we date like normal people? Normal people date, and then they have sex."