Page 118 of Begin Again, Part 1

"My eyes are up here," he smirked, pointing at his face.

"I wasn't looking!" Eden lied, shaking her head quickly as she sat up, banishing her thirsty thoughts. "You need to get dressed."

"Or not!" Liam shrugged. "I'm happy to satisfy all your fantasies, Princess."

"Clothes are a must, Mr Anderson," she insisted. "This is highly inappropriate."

Before she knew what hit her, he leaned over her, kissing her thoroughly.

"I told you, every time you call me 'Mr Anderson', I'll have to kiss you," he said hoarsely when they pulled apart.

Without giving her a chance to argue, not that she could after being kissed like that, he turned to the glass spiral staircase and threw a cheeky smile over his shoulder, leaving her breathless and her world a little off-kilter.

"Good Lord!" Eden collapsed back on the couch, fanning her face.

Liam was back moments later, dressed in grey joggers, a black T-shirt, and a pair of white sneakers on his feet.

"The lunch you slept right through has turned into supper," he announced as he held out his hand.

She refused to take it, but followed him to the patio, where a table for two was set near the sparkling lap pool. "Why didn't you wake me up?"

He held the chair and draped a white napkin on her lap. "You were tired, and you needed the rest."

"Thanks," she said, touched by his thoughtfulness.

"Can I interest you in a glass?" he asked, reaching for the chilled bottle of bubbly inside the stainless steel bucket.

"I told you last night, I don't drink," Eden shook her head. "Sparkling water for me, please."

He poured himself a glass, all the while looking at her. "So you were serious?"

"Why would I joke about that?"

"When was the last time you drank?" Liam sipped his champagne and set the glass down, before turning to the sliding doors.

Eden blurted out. "Two years ago at Crush."

"Right!" He laughed. "Smart choice, Princess. I don't want you taking random men home."

"Gosh!" Eden screamed silently in her hands. "I don't know what you're talking about. I don't take random men home."

"Sure you don't," Liam grinned at her and vanished inside, returning seconds later with two Evian water bottles.

He sat down, and she watched him pour her a glass, looking at his manly hands, remembering how he caressed every part of her last night and almost sent her into a mini-orgasm with his kisses.

"Here you go," he said, pushing the glass towards her.

Eden breathed in sharply when their hands touched, a jolt of awareness shooting through her body.

She looked up and almost wished she hadn't when she caught the intense blue flames in Liam's eyes. He'd also felt the fire.

"Thanks," she said, breaking the thick tension between them.

"Anything else you need?" Liam asked hoarsely.

Eden shook her head and sipped her water. It would be so easy to misunderstand Liam's intentions and read too much into his actions if he kept up with his perfect gentleman routine. She couldn't allow that. She had to keep her guard up now more than ever, because he wasn't kidding last night when he said he was coming after her hard and fast.

It had been a while since someone had pursued her so relentlessly. In fact, Simon, her ex, was the only man to ever chase her hard.