Liam was long gone, but Eden was still lost in her little world, replaying their encounter, unable to believe her body's treachery.
After their confrontation in Linda's office and her breakdown on the sidewalk, she'd decided to get over him. She'd done well for herself in the past month, stayed away from him even when her heart screamed at her to run to him. But now, all the progress she'd made, all the steps she'd taken to put some distance between them, had come to a screeching end. And all it took was a malfunctioning printer and a passionate encounter in the printing room.
She was wet again just thinking about Liam's little demonstration. Only he could make simple instructions on fixing a printer sound dirty and seductive. She was still mystified at how horny she was at the sound of his voice and words alone, and she couldn't understand how she wanted him to fuck her good even when she was still so furious with him. One thing was certain, whatever delusion she was under in the past month was now shattered.
She wasn't over Liam, hadn't even begun to get over him. All she'd done these last few weeks was to avoid him, and now she was back where she'd started—craving him as much as she needed the very air to keep breathing.
A soft tap on her door cut through Eden's jumbled thoughts. She looked up to see Clara stroll in with two mugs in her hands.
"I thought you could use one," she said as she closed the door with her heel and crossed the room. She placed both cups on the messy desk and sat down in one of the visitors' chairs.
"Thanks." Eden reached for the pink mug with 'Best Mom In The World' written in big fancy writing, brimming with black tea. It was a gift from Aiden and Brenda for surviving her first week on the job. Clara rubbed her hands together, her pouty mouth stretching into a knowing smile.
Oh, boy! Eden sighed. Liam's work wife was in the mood to spill some tea. Having spent the past month in close quarters with her wading through Gibby's handover Bootcamp, she knew Clara's gossip face very well now.
"So who banged who? And was it in the men's bathroom again?" Eden took a sip from the cup, well aware she'd regret entertaining her because once Clara started, there was no stopping her. She was like an Energizer Bunny.
She leaned on the desk and rested her chin in her hands, her eyes sparkling with expectation. "I'm here to hear all about you and the Dragon."
The announcement caught Eden off guard. She gasped and spluttered tea all over her desk, stunned to learn she was the subject of office gossip.
While Eden wheezed, gagged and bargained with God for her life, Clara leaned back in her seat, sipped her tea, and waited for her to resuscitate herself.
"Gosh, Clara, I almost choked to death, and you're just sitting there!" Eden croaked, wiping her mouth on the sleeve of her blazer.
"Anyway, what about Mr Anderson?" she asked, dabbing a tissue over the documents Liam had proudly stapled himself. She should have given him a gold star or acknowledged his attempts to please her.
"Oh, it's Mr Anderson now?" Clara said in a sing-song voice.
"It's always been Mr Anderson," Eden retorted.
"Not in the printing room; he wasn't!"
Eden hid her face in her hands, smudging her glasses. "Oh, dear! You saw us?"
Clara nodded and crossed her legs. "It wasn't intentional, I promise, and I didn't watch the whole thing. I had to print stuff, and well, I saw you two—"
"Don't say it!" Eden cut her off as she took off her glasses and wiped them on her shirt. She didn't want a replay of her temporary lapse in judgement. She inspected her glasses under the desk lamp, making sure they were clean before she put them back on again. "Anyway, it was a mistake. Mr Anderson and I are not like that."
"Hey, no judgement, here," Clara laughed. "Anywho, I just wanted to let you know that I support whatever is between you and the boss. He looks so much happier today than he has over the past few weeks. A content Dragon is good for all the drones. So, good job! Keep taming him!"
Eden grumbled, "it's not like that. He hates me, and I hate him. End of story."
The beads in Clara's faux dreads chinked gently as she threw her head back and cackled. "Not from what I saw. It's only a matter of time before whatever is between you two burns out of control."
"Nothing will burn out of control," Eden insisted.
"Sure!" Clara nodded and made a zipping motion over her mouth. But my lips are still sealed. Your secret is safe with me."
Eden shrugged because she didn't know what else to say.
"Are we still on for lunch tomorrow?" Her friend asked, changing the subject.
"Yep, my treat," she replied, her mind racing with questions. If Clara saw them, how many other people had as well? She had to try harder and stay away from Liam. And they couldn't—shouldn't— be left alone in a room under any circumstances.