He was still browsing the video gallery when Matthew returned and took his seat again, announcing, "Sarah's trying to get a meeting with Lydia's handlers."
"Can you check her page for a sec and let me know if you can access the videos with Eden's son?" Liam looked up from the screen briefly and signalled at a waiter. He had no intention of sitting through an eight-hour flight sober.
Clearly not in the mood for work, Matthew made a face. "Right now?"
"No, genius, tomorrow's fine," Liam drawled sarcastically. "I watched one video with Eden this morning before the meeting, but now they're all set to private."
"So?" Matthew asked.
"So, don't you find it odd?"
"Eden said her friend was doing maintenance. Maybe that was what she meant?" Matthew shrugged, but tried to access the vlog from his phone, announcing moments later, "I can't view them either."
Liam pushed his laptop away and leaned back in his seat, a broody look in his eyes.
"What are you thinking?" Matthew asked, as the waiter returned with their drinks.
"I don't know, Matt. I can't shake this feeling about Eden."
"What feeling?"
"I think Aiden's mine."
Matthew spewed out his drink as he gasped and almost choked over his announcement. "Hell, Liam, why would you think that?"
"Call it a gut feeling. I know it's crazy, especially since I asked Eden, and she denied it."
"There you go!" Matthew wiped his mouth with his handkerchief. "If she told you he's not, then he's not. Why would she lie about that?"
"I don't know. But isn't it weird how all the videos of Aiden are suddenly set to private after Eden tried so damn hard to stop us from checking out her friend's page? And why aren't there any pictures of Aiden anywhere? What is she hiding? Look at all the women in our office; they show off their babies every chance they get. But Eden doesn't."
"Dude, she hasn't even been with us for a month. Give her time. Maybe she's not comfortable showing off her son yet. I think you're reading too much into this." Matthew pinched his nose. "Besides, you saw Lydia's apology post to her fans. The site was down."
"I'm not disputing that," Liam argued. "But humour me for a second, okay. She vanished three months after leaving my bed to go and live in the back of beyond somewhere. She comes back after two years with a toddler no one has ever seen, because she keeps him well hidden. On top of that, she refused my offer to sign her son up at the daycare so she could be close to him during the day. Why wouldn't she take me up on that offer, unless she's trying to hide him from me? I think she conceived the night we hooked up. The timing fits."
"Maybe she didn't want to take advantage of you; that's why she didn't take you up on your daycare offer?" Matthew suggested,
"She already took advantage of me when she robbed me blind during her salary negotiations." Liam brushed his hair away from his forehead, getting pissed off at the memory of her meeting with Gibby. "If I wasn't still so annoyed over all the paperwork I had to complete to get her back, I'd be impressed with her negotiation skills. She's got great business acumen; I can use her on my team. Next time I need to negotiate, I'm taking her with me. I wonder where she learned it from?"
"Stay here and forget about her business acumen for a sec," Matthew clapped his hands together to get him to focus. "Fact of the matter is you asked her if Aiden's your son, and she said he's not. I think you're looking for a reason to insert yourself into her life. You're looking for ways to hold on to her."
"Fuck you!" Liam sneered, his face taut with fury. "If I wanted Eden, I would already have her by now, and if I wanted to be in her life, I'd go after her hard and fast, and I'd get her. So don't you ever make such shitty assumptions again! Inserting myself in her life, my ass!"
"Okay, I'm sorry," Matthew held up his hands, withdrawing from what could easily turn into a full-blown fight. "I think you have enough problems right now. Linda. Your therapy. You need to focus on that before you invite more."
Liam reached for his drink and guzzled it down. He waved at the waiter to bring him another one. After his third, he felt more like himself again, a little less on edge, and the longer he thought about it, the more Matthew made sense.
"You're right. I'm sorry," Liam said, raising his glass at his cousin. He was overthinking and seeing things that weren't there. There was no way Eden would intentionally keep his son away from him. She would have told him if Aiden was his. They may have a rocky relationship at best, but he didn't think she'd be that cruel.
He was about to smash his fourth drink when Gibby appeared at his side.
"The jet's been cleared, sir. Wheel's up in thirty."
"Thanks, Gibby. We'll handle it from here. I'll call you throughout the week if I need anything."
"Have a safe trip." She beamed and waved, before turning on her heel and heading to the exit, her merry band of assistants trailing behind her.
"Let's go," Matthew announced as he waved his brother over while Liam packed away his laptop. Thoughts of Aiden being his son were momentarily pushed aside as he channelled all his energy on the multi-billion rand deal he was about to sign with a furniture store magnate.