Page 64 of Begin Again, Part 1

She was grateful for the lack of free time. It kept her mind from wandering to places she shouldn't. Places like Liam. She still bristled every time she replayed their last confrontation. Yes, she was wrong for neglecting her duties, but throwing the plate of cookies on the floor was too much. Not even his son threw tantrums like that.

"Argh, why are you even thinking about him!" She mussed her hair in frustration as she rolled away from her desk. She swivelled her chair around and stared at the smokers on the rooftop of Hayes & Jones. They were all serious men and women in dark suits, handling all kinds of high-profile cases. Judging by the number of times they came out daily, their jobs were quite stressful because they all seemed happy to fill their lungs with toxins.

As she watched them, Eden wondered if she should take up smoking. She'd tried it with Sienna back in high school. They'd hated it and quit after almost choking to death on their first cigarette. Her lungs should be strong enough to handle it now.

A phone rang somewhere. It took Eden a little while to realise it was hers because nobody ever called her office line. If Matthew or Lucy wanted something, they walked to her office, tapped on her door and delivered their instructions.

"Hello." She breathed into the phone, irritated at the caller for cutting into her Zen moment.

"You took your time." Liam sounded equally annoyed. But Eden was unfazed. Being irritated with her seemed to be his default setting.

She saw him almost daily in common areas, meetings, hallways, and elevators. But apart from a courteous nod from her and a permanent scowl from him, they'd had no contact until now.

"How can I help you, Mr Anderson?" she asked.

"Come to my office!" He ordered her.

He never asked nicely, always barked orders, and everyone would jump through hoops to make him happy.

"Yes, sir," Eden said and hung up.

As she weaved through the corridors, making her way to Liam's office, she wondered what he wanted from her. He had yet to ask her for help with his mysterious condition. She doubted he would. Not after he'd deemed her incompetent on all fronts.

Clara showed her in and closed the door behind her. Eden cleared her throat and smiled. "Mr Anderson."

Liam looked up from his screen but didn't acknowledge her presence. The phone on his desk rang, and he spent ten minutes barking at the caller. Something about an overseas deal falling through if he didn't make the trip himself. Still furious, he hung up after promising to fly out there, wherever that was. He seemed surprised to see her still there when he moved away from his desk.

"I kept you waiting," he said as he got up and stretched. "My apologies, Ms McBride."

She stared at the muscles in his arms and chest rippling underneath his pale blue shirt, convinced he'd called her in just to tempt her and fill her mind with unholy thoughts.

"There's an issue with one of our overseas depots," he said, stifling a yawn with the back of his hand.

Eden nodded because she didn't know what to say or do.

A sudden warmth crept up her neck to her cheeks when Liam perched himself on the edge of his desk, an unreadable look in his eyes as his gaze trapped her in place. Did he call her here to gawk at her, to watch her squirm? Did he get off on making her feel uncomfortable? He clearly did because he seemed happy to keep up with their staring contest as he tapped his index finger on his chin, his lips forming a hint of a smile.

The tense silence in the room was as deafening as the drumbeat in Eden's chest the longer they kept up with their battle of wills.

"You wanted to see me?" she said at last. The suspense was killing her.

Liam smirked, a victorious gleam in his eyes. It was an unwritten rule in any staring contest that the person who looked away or gave in first was the loser. Eden wanted to kick herself for doing both.

"The research on influencers, where are we?" Liam asked, crossing his arms over his chest. And there were those darn muscles again, rippling under the fabric, screaming at her to touch them.

Eden gulped and closed her eyes, banishing all her thirsty thoughts.

"So?" He raised an eyebrow, the smirk stretching into a slow, full-blown cocky smile as if he could read her dirty thoughts.

"What research?" she asked, even though she knew exactly what he was referring to.

"I take it you haven't started," Liam saw right through her act. "I suggest you get on it as a matter of urgency."

"That won't be possible." Eden raised her chin stubbornly. She couldn't serve two masters, and since he gave her away, there was no reason she should be bending over backwards to please him.

"What could prevent you from fulfilling a task I've asked you to complete?" He furrowed his brow, intrigue shining in his eyes.

"My time is now dedicated to the marketing area," Eden blurted out.