Page 34 of Begin Again, Part 1

"I'm Mr Anderson's assistant. After I leave in a month or two, that will be your job. So, meet your new boss." Gibby nodded at Liam.

He, in turn, waved at Eden. The familiar smirk he wore in the elevator was back, taunting her. "Hi!"

She ignored him and stared at her hands on her lap. She desperately needed this job. Her first big girl mortgage payment was due in two months. But now karma, fate, kismet, or whatever it was called, had decided to play a cruel joke on her.

Yes, she was curious about Liam. Maybe, to the point of hoping to run into him today. But to work for him? Hell no. She didn't sign up for this.

Gibby cleared her throat. "You'll have to manage Mr Anderson's daily schedule and coordinate some aspects of his personal life. In a nutshell, you'll be his work wife and know him more intimately..."

Eden wanted to scream at Gibby that she didn't want to be Liam's work wife, and she already knew him intimately. She bit her lower lip instead, trying to find the right words to say. But her brain could only come up with a feeble denial. "I think there's been a misunderstanding."

"What misunderstanding?" Gibby asked. "You signed the contract, and you were happy with the job."

"In the interview, you said it's a junior role," Eden reminded her.

"It is a junior role!" Gibby said sharply, her face taut with frustration. "Clara will handle all the senior duties until you're comfortable. Isn't this what you wanted?"

"It is," Eden replied. "But I have no desire to work for the CEO."

Liam inhaled sharply as he shot her an icy glare. She wanted to shrink or disappear, or both, at the fury in his eyes.

"What I mean is," she tried to backtrack and soften the blow of her harsh words. "I don't think I'm qualified for the role, and I don't have the confidence to do the job well."

"You will," Liam said, his voice so soft Eden thought she imagined it. But she knew she hadn't when she forced herself to look at him and found his eyes still hard like stones.

"I believe in you, Ms McBride," he added coldly.

Eden knew, then and there, he remembered her. Like a lamb being led to a slaughterhouse, she'd played right into his hands. No wonder the offer seemed too good to be true. It was. And it came with too many strings and complications.

"To be honest, Eden, I didn't have much confidence in you, but Mr Anderson..." Gibby's voice trailed off as she covered her mouth with her hand and wheezed out a dry cough, violent spasms rocking her frail body.

"Do you need some water?" Eden was already on her feet, ready to save the day and perform her junior assistant duties.

Gibby shook her head and pointed at the chair. "Please sit. I'll be okay. It's just the side effects of the new medication I'm on."

Eden resumed her seat, not entirely convinced, her face soft with concern. Gibby didn't look okay at all, and she wondered if her illness was the reason for her retirement. She didn't look old enough to be a pensioner.

"As I was saying," Gibby continued when she could speak again. "Mr Anderson wants you, and I don't know why."

Eden turned to Liam, wondering what game he was playing. "Why?"

He grinned smugly and shrugged. "It can only be you, Ms McBride."


"Because one needs to trust his assistant, and I trust you with my life. After all, we shared a bed once, didn't we?"

An angry flush tainted Eden's cheeks as mortified tears scalded her eyes. She couldn't believe Liam had brought up their past so casually and in such a public forum.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She shook her head, feigning confusion.

"I'm all for an encore if you've forgotten," Liam sneered.

Gibby looked like a deer caught in headlights, her eyes darting between the two of them. "Should I give you some privacy, sir?"

"No!" They both said at once.

"Very well then." Gibby tried to take control of the session again, pressing her hands on the table. "Any more concerns, Eden?"