Page 33 of Begin Again, Part 1

"You are," Liam replied. "She asked me to bring you up."

Before Eden could ask more about Mrs Gibson, his phone buzzed in his pocket. For an uncomfortable minute, she was forced to listen to his side of the conversation, her heart darkening with jealousy she had no right to feel.

"Hi, Babe. Holly's ballet recital? Tonight? What time is it? I'll make a plan. Uhm, yeah. I miss you too. Can't wait to see you. Bye now."

Liam hung up and turned to Eden with an apologetic smile. "Sorry about that. Last-minute plans."

She casually crossed her arms, feigning disinterest. What else was she supposed to do? Despite his unhappiness that night at Crush, his marriage seemed solid. She was happy for him. At least they both got something out of their hook-up.

Gibby was at the reception area when they reached the top floor. Liam vanished somewhere, and Eden was relieved he wasn't her boss. For a second there, she was starting to believe he was the 'Dragon'.

Gibby led her through a maze of offices and boardrooms, and held the door open for her as she ushered her inside a cosy four-seater meeting pod.

"Please sit." She gestured at one of the empty chairs. "I'm sorry I couldn't meet you. I was trying to arrange your access."

Eden took a seat and crossed her legs. "There's no need to apologise. I kept myself entertained. I love the interactive map on the ground floor."

"That's Mr Anderson's baby. I believe you've met him." Gibby chuckled. "He thought it would be a great idea to give people a glimpse of what we do here. It's a hit with all our visitors."

Eden nodded. No wonder Liam was so chuffed with her response when he asked her about the map.

A soft tap on the door pulled Eden away from Gibby, and she turned in time to see a tall slim woman of around her age, with smooth russet skin and eyes so light they glowed a golden hue, stroll in. She gave new meaning to that Beyoncé song. She was flawless head to toe. Her long faux dreads, light makeup, and tailored power suit were exquisite. Her Jimmy Choo shoes, too, were to die for.

"Hi," she said in a nasal voice and with the biggest smile as she set a tray of takeaway coffee and water bottles on the table. "I'm Clara Winston. I believe we'll be working together."

"Eden McBride," she said, shaking her hand. "I can't wait to learn from you."

"I can't wait to work with you, sister-wife." Clara's laugh was as pretty as her voice. She radiated joy and warmth. Being in her presence was like basking in the sun, and Eden liked her energy instantly.

"Right!" Gibby cleared her throat. "If you are done fangirling, I need to brief Eden on the orientation."

"Sure thing." Clara smiled at the older woman and winked at Eden before dashing out of the room.

The door had barely slammed shut when Liam strode in and dragged one of the chairs to the back of the room. Eden glanced at him, wondering why he was sitting in. She was a junior assistant. There was no reason he should be here.

He may as well not have sat in, though. He was enamoured with his phone as soon as he sat down. His 'Babe' clearly had all his attention, and the thought irked Eden to no end.

"Ms McBride?"

Smiling sheepishly, Eden blinked at Gibby. Her orientation wasn't off to a good start. She'd missed everything her boss had said. "Could you please repeat that?"

Gibby pursed her lips. "Well, I said after your month-long training, which will run concurrently with the handover, you'll report to Mr Anderson."

Eden stared blankly at her, utterly confused. Why did she think she'd be reporting to Liam?

"Can you say that again, please?" she said softly, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose.

The look in Gibby's eyes told her she was beginning to doubt her hearing. Eden didn't blame her at all. She was also starting to question her auditory functioning. But she still needed clarity, and while they were at it, maybe sort out the misunderstanding so she could breathe again.

Sienna had applied for a junior assistant role, so Eden expected her junior manager boss to walk in any moment now and whisk her off to one of the lower floors where she'd sit with the rest of the drones and paper pushers.

Gibby pressed her lips together. "Which part?"

"My reporting line," Eden replied. "I thought I'd report to you, but I'll be serving one of the junior managers."

"On that salary?" Liam scoffed.

Out of the corner of her eye, Eden saw his sharp gaze was now firmly on her. She'd finally managed to steal his attention away from his 'Babe'. But, when a scorching blush crept up her neck and cheeks, she realised she didn't want his attention, and his presence here was messing with her sanity.