"True!" Julian burped on his shoulder, spraying a cloud of alcohol fumes on his face as he wrapped his arms around him. "But what is your type?"
Matthew was quick to agree with his brother. "Yeah, you don't have a type. You screw anything that moves, and you leave them as soon as you can."
"That's not true!"
"Then how did you get your infamous moniker?"
"Don't remind me," Liam grumbled. The tabloids dubbed him the 'Three Months Prince' after seeing a pattern in his love life. His relationships never seemed to last longer than three months. What the gossip rags failed to mention was that it wasn't always his fault. Life happened. He'd get busy with tournaments and training, and things would fizzle out.
"At least you earned a spot in Business Insider with your exec shakeup," Matthew smirked. "Uncle Clarke can't be complaining about your scandals now."
Liam shrugged and knocked back his drink. His shakeup was so radical, it elevated him to legendary status overnight. He thought his father would be happy, but when he saw the article, he'd lost his head. It turned out he only wanted him to take over the company and not change the status quo completely.
Liam's gaze drifted back to the dance floor, clashing with the woman he mistook for Eden earlier. She flashed him a dazzling smile. He ignored her because he didn't want to waste his time flirting with anyone, especially when he knew it wouldn't go anywhere.
Matthew yawned and decided to call it a night. He had an early morning meeting with a potential client, an eCommerce outfit. Liam helped him carry Julian to their car, speeding off as soon as they left.
His night went from bad to worse when he found Laura lounging in his living room.
"What are you doing here?" He dumped his messenger bag on the couch and took off his jacket. He wanted to go over the dozens of reports waiting for him and prepare for an out-of-town meeting. But now, with his ex here, things weren't looking too good for him.
"I missed you, Li." Laura sashayed over and wrapped her arms around his waist, resting her head on his back.
They were 'on' again, it seemed, after being 'off' for four months. Liam couldn't remember what ticked her off the last time. But he was pretty sure it was his fault. It was always his fault.
"I have to work tonight and every night from now. If you thought I didn't have time for you before, I sure as hell won't have any now." He pushed her away and turned to the stairs. He had to be upfront with her. There could be no misunderstandings and unnecessary expectations.
"I know." She ran after him, her blonde curls bouncing all over the place.
Liam stopped and stared at her. Laura saw her opportunity to push him against the railing and kiss him. He kissed her back, frowning when he felt nothing. No warmth. No excitement.
Laura jumped in his arms, purring as she unbuttoned his shirt and shrugged it off. "Mr CEO!"
Liam remembered another body he'd held a few weeks ago. The memory of her legs around his waist and how her glasses had fogged up when they kissed was still so fresh in his mind.
"Shit!" He cussed and closed his eyes, trying to banish all thoughts of Eden.
Laura misinterpreted his frustration for excitement. She kissed him harder as they made their way to his bedroom.
Liam stripped off the rest of his clothes and slipped into the shower. His ex was in there in a flash and on her knees, sucking and touching him. She gave up when he remained as flaccid as a dead fish, even after bringing out all the tricks from her playbook.
She searched his face, sadness, and confusion in her eyes. "What's wrong?"
Liam held her close, wishing he could tell her something, anything. But he was just as flummoxed. It had never happened before.
"Don't you want me anymore?" Laura asked in a whiny voice.
That wasn't true. He'd gladly bang her. If only his body would come to the party. The mind was willing. He didn't know why the body wasn't.
"I'm sorry, I have a lot on my mind," Liam said. Not entirely untrue. The past few weeks were hard on him. He needed some time. Yes, time would help. Things would get back to normal once he got used to his new role and his father was out of the woods. He assured her. She believed him. But things grew progressively worse with each encounter.
After several attempts and still no action, Laura wailed and demanded an explanation. Was he seeing someone else? Was he cheating on her? Was it her fault?
His assurances were firm. There was no one else, and it wasn't anyone's fault.
She didn't believe him this time and gave him an ultimatum. "Something's wrong, Li. You need to figure out what you want."
Liam agreed and called off the relationship.