The questions about Eden from everyone were getting old, fast. Frustrated beyond measure, Liam said in a hushed tone, "Let me be clear, Laura. If you look at Eden the wrong way or go anywhere near her, I won't hold back."
"She's not the saint you think she is. I know things about her. She's seeing the lawyer from my work. Did she even tell you about her son?"
Liam clapped his hands sardonically. "Nice try. I know about Isaac Jones. He's as irrelevant as you."
"But do you know about her son?"
"Of course, I do, and it doesn't bother me that she has a kid with another man."
"What other man?" Laura asked, a puzzled frown in her eyes, but it vanished as quickly as it had appeared. "Fine then. But three years, Liam. Three years, I gave you my heart. What did I get?"
"I don't know? Maybe ten thousand dresses, limited edition bags and shoes, and millions worth of hair extensions?"
"You think that's what I wanted?" Laura scoffed.
Liam leaned on the door frame and crossed his arms. "Wasn't it?"
Funny, when she took his card and went on crazy shopping sprees, she never complained. When she flew first-class or in his private jet, she had that same glassy stare she wore after an intense orgasm. He thought she was happy. She said she was. But now, she was singing a different tune. What the hell did she want from him then?
"I wanted your heart," she said.
Liam was surprised to see real tears glistening in her eyes. He almost felt sorry for her until he remembered this was the same woman who threatened to expose his therapy visits just moments ago. His sympathy would be misplaced.
"Did I ever come close?"
She whispered, "having your love."
Liam paused and thought back to their relationship. It wasn't always bad. There were moments of contentment, times he thought he could love her. But now, after witnessing her threats and her attempt to drive a wedge between him and Eden, he was glad—even relieved—she never became anything more than a temporary bedmate.
"Did I?" Laura demanded.
"Yes, you did," Liam admitted. "And I'm sorry things didn't work out between us. I wish you well."
She deserved love as much as anyone else. Just not with him.
Laura snorted. "I don't need your sorry, Liam. I wanted your heart. Too bad you don't have one. But don't fret. Mine is big enough for both of us. When you finally come out of Eden's spell and see her for what she is and all her lies and deception, I'll be here, ready to forgive you."
She smiled, straightened her shoulders and strolled down the hall, her red-soled heels clicking softly on the glistening floors.
Liam waited until the echoing sound of her footsteps merged with the whir of the elevator as it swept her out of sight and out of his life, before he returned to his office and slammed the door.
The sun was still high up in the sky when Eden left the office and walked to her car in the staff parking lot.
Still racking her brain for a plausible reason for the mark under her right eye, she unlocked her doors, but couldn't bring herself to jump in behind the wheel. Brenda would fret as soon as she saw the bruise, and she wasn't ready for her coddling and all the inevitable questions, however well-intentioned.
A few minutes in the sun was exactly what she needed, Eden decided as she threw up her face in the sky and soaked in the warm rays. It was a perfect Indian summer afternoon, and for a minute, everything was as it should be, as she released the long breath she'd held in the whole day, leaving her lungs empty. She felt as light as a feather as she imagined herself drifting away, like a balloon floating in the sky, until her phone rang, cutting into her moment of bliss.
It was Sienna. She wanted to know if they were still on for some gossip at the playground. Eden didn't want to see anyone. She wanted to go home and cry herself sick under her covers. And maybe when she was all emptied out, she'd start sorting through the messy feelings that came with her parents' divorce announcement. If she wasn't too drained and still had room for a heart bashing, she'd wade through her ugly confrontation with Lucy.
"Edie, are you still there?" Sienna demanded her attention, and Eden forced herself to sound cheerful and excited about an outing she knew was as inevitable as Brenda's fifty thousand questions.