‘On a still night you can hear them,’ he said. ‘I had the glass modified so that sometimes you can hear them chime. It is very nice to fall asleep or wake up to.’

‘You are sentimental,’ she said.

‘I am,’ Daniil said. ‘And the answer to your question is nine o’clock.’

‘Sorry?’ Libby frowned.

‘Fifteen hours after you walked into my office, and fifteen minutes after you walked out of my home, the clock struck nine and I guess I was already in love with you because I called Cindy and told her to cancel my morning so I could work on your business plan. So,’ Daniil asked, curious now, ‘when did you know you loved me?’

‘What’s the time, Mr Wolf?’

Daniil frowned at her game.

‘Six o’clock.’ Libby answered with the truth.

The moment I saw you I knew.


‘I HATE YOU,’ Rachel said, as she added the last curl to Libby’s hair.

‘I know you do.’ Libby smiled.

In half an hour’s time she would be marrying the man of her dreams and Rachel was going to be a witness.

Wrapped in her dressing gown, Libby took one last look around the flat. It was a lot emptier now as over the past few weeks her things had been moved over to Daniil’s, but now she gave her flatmate and friend a hug before she finally moved out.

‘You’ve been the best friend...’

‘Don’t get all sentimental,’ Rachel warned. ‘I’ve just done your make-up.’

‘I know.’ Libby smiled but then it wavered. ‘I’m so nervous...’

‘Why?’ Rachel asked. ‘You’re head over heels and not afraid to show it.’

‘I know. I’m just worried what everyone’s going to say when they find out we’re married and...’ Libby screwed her eyes closed. ‘I don’t care what they say.’

Oh, she did.

A bit.

Her father would freak at the missed opportunity to organise such a potentially prominent wedding. After all, the press were going to go crazy when they found out that Daniil Zverev was married and that his bride was pregnant.

‘It wouldn’t be fair to Daniil to have a big family wedding when his own brother can’t be there.’ Rachel reminded Libby of the reason they had chosen the quietest of celebrations. ‘Do you feel as if you’re missing out?’

‘Missing out?’ Libby’s mouth gaped. ‘This is my idea of a perfect wedding.’

It was.

Libby looked in the mirror once she had put on her dress—it was very simple, a soft ivory and more like a silk slip than a designer gown, but to her it was perfect.

She put on new soft ballet shoes and she had a bunch of palest pink peonies, roses and calla lilies, and she’d added anemones, too, because she’d loved them first.

‘Am I showing?’ Libby asked, because she was desperate to get a bump but it was still way too soon.

‘You’re only ten weeks,’ Rachel pointed out.

They had been the happiest weeks of both hers and Daniil’s lives.

‘Do you think he’s guessed about your surprise?’ Rachel asked.

‘No.’ Libby smiled as they got into the car and Rachel drove them to the registry office.

They wouldn’t be getting some random witness. Instead, Libby had called Marcus, and he and his own new wife Shirley were coming to the wedding today before they headed off on a cruise.

They were family, Libby had decided as the car pulled up and there, waiting, was Daniil.

‘You don’t look nervous,’ she said, as he took her hand.

‘Wolves are never nervous,’ Daniil said. ‘Anyway, why would I be anything other than happy today?’

Why indeed?

They walked into the old building and he stilled and the calm, always composed Daniil was at a loss for words when he saw Marcus and Shirley waiting for them.

‘Thank you,’ Daniil said to the man who had stepped in, who had guarded his precious photos for him and had respected his space.

‘We wouldn’t miss this for the world,’ Marcus said.

It really was the tiniest of weddings, but it was loaded with love.

The least sentimental man put a ring on her finger, dotted with pink argyle diamonds, just because it was her favourite colour in the world.

‘I love you.’ He said words he’d never thought he would. ‘And I will make sure you know that every day. You will always be my leading lady.’