Page 97 of Captivated

“Thank god Quinton Starks has returned.” Andy laughs as he grabs Tierra’s hand. “Watch those beautiful heels baby.” I laugh as he starts leading her back towards the carriages.

“Yes.” I look shyly. “Forts really aren’t my thing.”

“Oh thank god,” Michael chimes, pulling Tina with him.

Quinton laughs. “So you made me endure this shit and heat for myself?” I’m laughing, watching him.

“Pretty much! I thought it was important to you, so I did it for you.” I grin grabbing his hand.

“That is a relationship, Quinton,” Marcus teases, “Doing something you might not enjoy for the enjoyment of someone else.”

“Well, what the hell is it when you’re both miserable doing it?”

“Hell,” Gerry smarts, sashaying by us.

“Don’t do anything you don’t enjoy for the benefit of me, sweetheart. If you don’t like something, tell me. I’m not a fucktard, I won’t make you do anything you don’t want to do.” I can’t help but laugh at him. He couldn’t get the hell away from that place fast enough.

“Are we going to the Baha Mar?” Michael asks after we’re all seated back in the nice cool limo. “Thank god for air conditioning.”

“Andy pass the drinks ASAP.” Gerry rolls his eyes, fanning himself.

“Yes.” Quinton smirks, sipping his gin and looking at me. “I can’t believe you endured that for me.”

“Would you like a cosmo, Amelia?” Andy offers instead of wine.

“Yes, please.” I smile, sipping. “Mmm … this is so good.” The crispness tingles on my tongue.

“Thank you for the carriage ride.” I kiss his cheek.

“Any time sweetheart.” He’s sipping his gin quietly.

“And hiking sixty-five steps and the sweltering fort tour,” I tease, rubbing his arm. Everyone laughs at his face as he rolls his eyes.

“Just keeping the touristy shit real sweetheart.” He grins shaking his head. “I’ll keep it Quinton Starks real, if that suits everyone.”

“Yes!” I laugh as everyone agrees. He really is sweet.

“I like it Quinton Starks’s way,” I say, stroking his scruff.

“You’ve only had a sample.” Michael laughs grabbing Tina’s hand. Quinton smirks, shaking his head.

I lean over and whisper, “I really love Quinton Starks’s way in the bedroom and the shower.” I flick my tongue at the tip of his ear, sucking his lobe through my lips. I lean back in my seat, innocently.

“Ah fucking hell.” I jump as he sets our drinks down. He covers my body with his, rubbing his hands down my hips and legs, sucking my neck.

“Get her boss.” Gerry whistles.

“That sounds like a great idea,” Andy chimes. “Come baby.”

I giggle at his affection. Quinton kisses my neck and clavicle. “Show me your tits,” he whispers.

“No!” Is he crazy? “We’re in a car full of people.”

He leans off me. “We’re of no interest to them.” I look over his shoulder and Tina and Tierra are practically naked from the top down, sitting on Andy and Michael. Gerry and Marcus are huddled in the corner seat doing their own thing.

He shifts. “Come on, make out with me sweetheart. We got this entire bench seat to ourselves.”

I’m grinning. I can’t even believe I’m thinking about it. “What do you want to do?”