Page 94 of Captivated

I look over my shoulder, his driver and Toni. “Toni!” I gasp and lean over. “Why is Toni in a suit like that?”

“Because he is. Just smile and look beautiful Amelia.” I look straight ahead and notice some onlookers, talking and grinning. Of course, Tierra’s smiling and posing for the cameras.Shit, why are the cameras on Quinton? He grins, wrapping his arm around me as we walk towards his limo. Andy, Tierra, Michael, Tina, Gerry, and Marcus literally strut off the yacht and down the boardwalk like they own the damn universe. They all have this suave saunter about them; an arrogance that doesn’t match their lovely laid-back personalities at all. Tierra and Tina have this air about them like they’re some hot socialite hardasses: their perfect bodies, legs, hair, clothes. They both have that model face and walk about them.

Quinton has that ‘I’m a sex god master of the universe’ presence for sure about him; he screams money and maintenance. He has a natural sexy suave to him. With his hand on my hip, I feel that natural flow of energy to flaunt, that I normally wouldn’t have. I feel like I did yesterday, with Trek Powers. You would think he’s the world’s sexiest man the way people are gawking and looking back at his yacht and snapping pictures of him. Well, he’s the sexiest man to me. I smile at him. “Tabloids,” he whispers, “what are you thinking Amelia?”

“That they’re walking like they’re masters of the universe, when the only master of the universe is you. Well, at least mine anyway.” He laughs, strolling his fingers across my cheek, kissing my lips.

The walk wasn’t even that far but watching it all felt like a green mile; as if we were walking in slow motion. All Tierra needed was the model fan, to blow her hair, working her sexy face.

“I’m sure you remember my driver Steve.” He smiles as he opens the door, and we all file into the limo.

Everyone is adjusting themselves. Andy is passing drinks around. I see Toni get in the front passenger seat. Quinton hits the privacy screen. He sips his gin on the rocks. Andy gives me a moscato.

What was that entrance about? No one is talking about anything, but where our first destination should be. I hope we go to the market shops and the tourists traps. I look at Quinton as he rests his hand on my knee, making small circles. He’s different than he was at the inn.

“Let’s hit the high-end boutiques first.” Tierra suggests. “Amelia, you’ll love it.” I smile as I share a look with Quinton. He’s watching me intently.

He leans over, playing with my hair. “I see you’re wearing your earrings.”

“Yes, I wear them every day.” I smile, touching them. “The only jewelry I wear.”

“Oh yeah, I noticed you didn’t have any other pieces at the club that night,” Tina chimes. “Not even a wedding ring?”

“I haven’t worn it in nine years. I didn’t like it for numerous reasons, but it wasn’t really my style.”

“What’s your style?” Quinton laughs, looking at me.

“I don’t know.” I shrug. “I’ve never thought about it. I just didn’t care for it.”

Tierra takes her ring off. “Here, try it on.”

I shake my head. I don’t want to touch it, there’s no telling how expensive it is.

“Try it!” Sighing, she grabs my hand and slides it on my finger. She doesn’t like to be told no. I suspect Andy gives her the world. “That style is gorgeous on your hand.”

I laugh, handing it back to her. “It’s a gorgeous ring.” Quinton smirks.

“It’s a halo diamond style.” Tierra slides it on her finger. She turns her hand admiring how the light bounces off the facets. “Andy knew exactly what I wanted.”

“What does your ring look like Tina?” I have no idea why I ask … girl talk maybe. I’ve not had girlfriends in so long. Sadly I missed all this jabberwocky when my old girlfriends got engaged and married.

“Here, try it on.” Tina leans over holding it.

I laugh. “No, I don’t need to. I was just curious if you two had the same style.”

Quinton takes it from Tina and slides it on my finger. “No, Tina’s is a single diamond solitaire with diamonds in the band. Both are very classy rings, don’t you agree?” My stomach ignites, feeling him slide a ring on me.

“Yes.” I slide it off my finger and give it back. He wraps his fingers through mine. He leans in and covers my mouth with his sexy, sweet open-mouth kiss that makes my panties wet.

“Mmm,” I moan as our tongues make love to one another: loving and dancing together in perfect harmony. I stroke his face tenderly. He kisses the corner of my mouth, cupping my face, kissing down my jaw and neck, before he leans back, sipping his gin.


Damn it felt right sliding that ring on her finger. She definitely needs the halo. I’ve got to get those fucked up ideas out of my head. She’s married.

The limo stops. “Looks like we’ve arrived on Bay Street.” I grin, taking her wine and setting my gin down.

“Bay Street isthestreet Amelia,” Tina sings.