Page 39 of Captivated

I walk into my kitchen and grab a mug to make a latte. He wants me to get my shit and leave,I should. The realty is I have nowhere to go, nor the means to make that happen. I’m stuck in hell! He’s crazy. I wipe my eyes, sniffling. Quinton floods my thoughts. I don’t know if he’s in the office this early. I don’t really know his work schedule. I dial his number.

“Good morning, Gerry.” I touch my lip. It stings to smile. “Is Mr. Starks in yet?” I laugh as he calls me Amelia from Amelia. I hold as the music floods the phone. I walk to the living room and get comfy on the sofa. I can keep an eye out if Tantrum returns for some reason. I take a sip as I hear his voice. My stomach knots with uncertainty.

“Quinton Starks.” His voice is stern.

“Is this a bad time?” I’m timid.

“Amelia.” I hear a change in his voice. “Gerry didn’t tell me it was you. You’re calling early.” I look out the window.

“I can call later if I interrupted something.” I’m all nerves sitting on the edge of my seat.

“No, I’m glad you called.” I can hear him smiling. “I’ve missed your voice.”

Now I’m grinning like a fool. “Really? I’ve missed yours too.” His voice eases my pain. I lean back on the sofa, pulling my knees to my chest as I sip my latte. “Did you have a good weekend Mr. Starks?”

He laughs. “It was long. Time has stood still since you agreed to seeing me this week.”

“Glad to know it’s not just on this end.” I smile as he laughs. “I went shopping.”

“What did you buy?” Quinton is grinning.

“A few new swimsuits.” I really want him to find me attractive in them.

“Now I really can’t wait to see you.” I hear him laugh. It makes me laugh.

“Well, I’m no model, but …” He laughs, cutting me off.

“Amelia, you forget I’ve seen you in a bodycon dress, shaking it on my dance floor. I can’t wait to see you in a swimsuit.” I think I’m blushing. “What time is Eric leaving Wednesday?” he asks. I really don’t want to talk about Eric.

“Early morning flight … before eight.”

“Well, what time are you going to meet me? I want you here as soon as possible.” I can hear him grinning.

“What time can you leave?” He laughs at my question.

“I can leave whenever you get here. My schedule is cleared.”

“Well, I’ll confirm his flight time tonight and call you tomorrow to let you know exactly my arrival. Does that work?”

“Yes, and Amelia, I really hope you will come as soon as possible. Are you nervous about going with me this week?”

I laugh. “Nervous? No, I mean I’ve never done anything like this before, but I’m not nervous. Excited is a better word.”

“I meant what I said before Amelia, I’ll take you in my life anyway I can have you.” My stomach flutters. “I’m really glad you’ve accepted my invitation.”

“There’s no place I’d rather be Mr. Starks.” I turn when I hear a car pull up. “Shit.”

“What is it, Amelia?” I can hear his concern. I don’t want to alarm him.

“I’ve got to go. Eric’s home.” I jump up, running through the foyer to the back of the house. Quinton hears the door slap against the frame.

“Amelia, are you running?”

“Yes,” I whisper. I’m a mix of emotion: excitement, fear, nervousness, and happiness. “I’m so excited about Wednesday. I cannot wait to see you again. I’ve waited all weekend to hear your voice. I’m sorry I have to rush off.” Adrenaline rushes through my body. My hands are shaking, and I disconnect the call before he can respond. Quickly I delete my call log. My mouth is dry, my heart is in my ears. I toss my phone under the blooming azalea bush and sit on the swing, rocking back and forth.

He’s near, and my body is tensing up. “Amelia, I’m sorry I lost my shit.” Eric’s voice is guarded as he walks towards me. I stop swinging.

“If you want me to get my goddamn shit and leave, I will Eric,” I hiss. “I do believe that’s what you told me this morning. I have no problem doing so. I am tired of this shit anyway.” In the words of Gerry, hear my lioness roar. A spark of my destroyed strength is starting to flicker. Maybe Quinton Starks has ignited something more than desire.