Page 28 of Captivated

I lean back in my seat. Gerry looks at me, smirking. Amelia pushes Eric back, just as fast as he planted the kiss. I don’t think she was expecting it. She shakes her head and wiggles. Tierra laughs and hugs her. I grin as I watch her put her arms up in the air and she’s dancing in the booth. Tierra is laughing and moving with her.

“Yeah girl. I just love her,” she tells me.

Amelia starts pushing her. “Move. I need to get up.” Tierra jumps rather quickly. I stand, not sure if she’s about to be sick.

“You okay?” I ask her. She’s grinning as she pulls me with her. I look back at Marcus and Gerry, grinning and motioning for them to come. “Dance!”

“You’re getting drunk Amelia,” I yell over the music. She’s looking at me with seductive eyes. I know those eyes, she’s horny. I’m dancing to the rhythm of the music, watching her rubbing around on me before she comes to the front. Our eyes meet as I grab her hand, spinning her around. She fits perfect; we start to move and sway to the beat of the music. We’re one. She’s running her fingers through my hair, pulling me down closer to her. I can feel my breath on her neck. I’ve tasted her skin, her scent. I want more. We’re lost in the music; swaying in perfect harmony. Bodies are dancing around us, but she’s the most seductive woman on the floor. I see no one else.

“I would have totally kissed you, you know,” she whispers in my ear. I look into her eyes. She’s watching me and looking at my lips. She’s wanting me to kiss her now. I want to kiss her.

“You’re drunk Amelia,” I whisper in her ear, “you would regret it tomorrow. I don’t want that.”

She shimmies out of my grasp. “You’re wrong Mr. Starks. I wouldn’t regret it.” She smirks as she turns and starts dancing with Gerry and Marcus. She fucking left me on the dance floor.

Tina and Tierra move on me. We’re swaying, but my eyes are on Amelia. “She likes you,” Tierra whispers in my ear. I look at her. She nods, grinning.

“Do another body shot, Tierra.” Amelia wants a kiss, then I’m going to give her one. She grins as she disappears. I grab Amelia and pull her to me. She lays her head on my chest. “You want to do another body shot with me?”

“Yes.” She’s all breathy, looking at my mouth. I look up as Maria is following Tierra. As well as Michael and Andy. We’re all standing on the dance floor. “Where’s Eric?” she asks Andy and Michael. They tell her he’s in the men’s.

I grab two tequilas, giving one to her; I take two limes. “Here.” I hand her a lime. I look around, we all got our shots and limes. “We all doing it on three?”

Tierra holds hers up. “One.”

Michael bellows, “Two.”

I grab Amelia close. “Three.” She licks me again in the same spot. I suck her neck gently. Our eyes are locked as we take the shot. She scrunches up her face and shoves her lime in. I bite mine, and I caress her cheek when Eric walks up.

“I think you’ve had enough.” He pulls her back. She stumbles out of my embrace. We all put our shot glasses back on the tray. Damn fucktard ruined my kiss twice. He pulls her back to the VIP table. Andy looks at me as he walks back to the booth. I pull Tierra next to me. We close our eyes and sway to the music.

“What do you think of his work?” I ask Michael as he’s swaying next to me with Tina.

“May have some potential.” He shrugs. “He maybe a hot head to deal with personally.” I nod as we dance the song.

“Gerry, dance with Tierra. I’m going to the VIP booth.” I walk back watching them. He looks pissed. She looks wasted. I slide in, looking at her. “Amelia, you okay?” I yell over the music.

“She’s had too much,” Eric says as he looks at her. I feel sort of bad for her now. She’s going to feel like shit in the morning.

She starts laughing. “My husband thinks he’ll get lucky because I’m inebriated.” I look at him. He rolls his eyes. She sees him rolling his eyes. “You’re making buddies, tell them how you really are with me.”

“All right Amelia, you’re starting to talk crazy. I think we’re about to head back.”

“No!” She shrugs out of his touch. “I don’t want to go back with you. I like it here.” She walks away, dancing. I watch her as she makes her way back to my gang. I look at him, but don’t say much. I look at Andy. This is weird.

“Don’t worry about it man,” I hear Andy trying to make him feel better. “Tierra gets a little too drunk and says crazy shit too. Women, right?” Andy laughs as he’s watching her.

“You going to dance with her?” I ask Eric. “She wants to dance.”

“Like I said, I don’t dance. This has been good for her. Thanks for having us.” I nod as I look back at her. There’s a slow song starting. “Excuse me.”

I can’t stay away from her. She’s slow dancing with some guy. I touch her hips. She turns, grinning, and wraps her body into me. I let her lean on me, supporting her.

“You okay Amelia?” I whisper in her ear. She feels so good against me.

“Yes.” She’s all breathy. Her eyes are closed. “You’re sexy,” she purrs. I laugh at her drunk talking.

“I find you sexy too Amelia,” I whisper in her ear. My lips brush soft kisses on her neck. She’s perfect for me. “I love this dress on you.”