Page 23 of Captivated

“I’ll ride out and check the location.” Andy agrees it could be a good move. We could both go. I could see Amelia. “What are you thinking?” he asks me.

“Just wondering if I should go with you.” I really want to see her.

“We need to meet with Michael and his development team, and the marketing team for the area as well.”

“Yes, I’ve asked Gerry to have Michael join us,” I comment as I rub my finger across my lip.

“We going out tonight? Tierra leaves Wednesday for that damn photo shoot.” He walks to the bar and pours a drink. “She’s modeling swimsuits.”

“Hot,” I tease as I make me a drink. “I did tell chef not to leave me dinner. You two meet me at my VIP table.” I had totally planned to go pick up a chick. That desire has been put on the back burner since her voice melted me.Fuck!

“I’ll gather everyone within the hour.” Andy walks out. I go back to my desk and start the same paragraph for the third time.


My music is loud, and I’m dancing around the kitchen. I dip and wiggle against the cabinet doors as I wipe down my island. All I can do is think about our conversation. For the first time in ten years, I feel alive. Alive!

My music suddenly stops. I look to see what the issue is.

“I could hear it in the driveway,” Eric yammers. “What has you in such a good mood?” He’s smiling as he walks towards me, reaching for me. “Hug me. My beautiful wife!”

I lean into him, not really hugging him in return. I rest my head against his shoulder. I wish he was Quinton Starks. My admission freaks me out. I’ve never thought of myself as the cheating kind. As miserable as I have been, I’ve never entertained the notion of another. Ever! Until … now.

“What are you doing home?”

“I thought we would go to lunch. How about the marina?”Does he know something?I look at him askance.

“Sure,” I chime.I didn’t do anything.

He wraps his arm around me as we walk toward the marina. He asks the hostess for a table for two outside. I look out over the water. It’s quiet without the weekend crowd.

“I’ve got to go out of town next week for a few days.”

“Why?” I smile as the waitress appears to take our order. Oh hell of everything that is holy. The same damn waitress.You’ve got to be kidding me.

She beams. “What would you folks like to drink?”

“Two waters,” Eric orders for both of us. He never asks me what I want to drink. I just smile and keep my head down. Maybe she won’t remember me. She doesn’t say anything. I open my menu.

“You think the special is good?” he asks looking at me.

I shrug and look at it. Oh thank god it’s a different special. “Maybe.” I don’t eat Mai Mai so it’s of no interest to me. I keep looking over the menu.

She returns with our waters. “Are you two ready to order?” Eric grabs my menu and closes his.

“Yes, two of the Mai Mai specials. Fries with both.”

“I want the vegetables with mine, please,” I say as he looks at me. I wait for her to leave. “Eric, I don’t eat Mai Mai. You should know this by now.”

“You can try it,” he snaps. He leans back looking at me. “Where did you get those earrings?”

I reach up and touch them. I should tell him they were a gift from Mr. Starks, but he may take them away. “The farmers’ market last Saturday,” I lie.

“Really?”He sounds skeptical. “Since when did they start carrying gemstones? They look real.”

I shrug sipping my water. “I doubt they’re real Eric. Really … come on. How real of a gem could they be if it only cost me thirty bucks? Surely you don’t think cubic zirconia is a real diamond either.” I look over the water.Of course they’re real, dumbass. He would have a stroke if he knew where I got them.

“I’m surprised you bought them, with your sensitivity to metals. They’re not bothering your ears?”