Page 18 of Captivated

He nods in appreciation, and taking his fork with a small amount, leaning towards me. “Here. Taste.” Again he opens his lips, willing my mouth to open. Which it does, to my surprise. His eyes are glued on mine as I close my lips over his fork. He grins watching my mouth and then my eyes as he slowly pulls back. “Well?”

I smile as I slowly chew. “Wow that’s good.” Almost as good as being fed by him. He grins as he continues to consume his lunch, watching me. Should I be having lunch with practically a stranger, another man? I don’t feel guilty eating from his hand. It doesn’t even feel remotely wrong.

I finish my second glass of wine as the waitress brings the check. He pulls out his wallet. I naturally grab my bag, to fish out my half of the bill. He touches my hand. “I’ve got it.” He doesn’t remove his hand as the waitress grabs his card to process it. I look down at his hand that’s still covering mine. I gasp softly in my throat from his touch. He runs small circles over the top of my hand.

I look up, speechless, it’s as if he’s trying to get inside my soul through his heated eyes. “It’s my treat. I asked you to join me.”

“Thank you, it has been lovely,” I whisper all breathy, staring at him.

“I assure you, the pleasure has been all mine.” He removes his hand as the waitress brings his card back. I quickly slide my purse on my shoulder; I notice he’s a gracious tipper. “Ready?” he asks me as we both stand at the same time. I nod and smile as he steps aside for me to lead the way.

We’re walking in silence towards the Christmas shop when my phone rings. I look down and see Eric’s name. I roll my eyes on the inside. “I need to grab this,” I tell him, holding my phone.

“By all means.” We stop in front of the jewelry store. I flinch as Eric is screaming at the top of his lungs. He’s pissed about something, which doesn’t concern me, yet I’m his punching bag. I look up at Quinton who is watching intently. I’m pretty sure he can hear the other end of my conversation. He turns and starts looking in the window, to give me some privacy no doubt.

“Eric, I’m out running errands.” I sound irritated, I know. “Well, that doesn’t really concern me.” I scrunch up my face and hold my arm out away from ear because he’s cussing so loud. I pinch the bridge of my nose with my fingers. “Look if you don’t have anything conducive to tell me, I’ve got to go.” He hangs up on me. “Well, goodbye to you too,” I mumble as I drop my phone in my bag.

“Everything okay?” Quinton questions … he heard plenty.

I nod, taking a deep breath, to avoid the tears in front of him. “Yeah, you ready?” I’m so embarrassed. Leave it to Eric to find a way to ruin everything that ever happens in my life.

Quinton opens the door of the Christmas Shoppe. “Ladies first.” I bashfully smile at him as I walk in.

“Well, hello Amelia, who are you with?” Great! I didn’t think about any of the shopkeepers.

“Oh, this is Mr. Quinton Starks. He’s staying at the inn; looking to maybe invest in some commercial space on the island.” I watch her as she comes from around the counter.

She’s close to my age and single. It really doesn’t surprise me that she becomes all toothy and smiling as she looks him up and down like he’s lunch. “Well, hello … Mr. Starks, I’m Lori.” She holds out her perfectly red manicured hand. She squeezes his as she smiles.

“Right, like Amelia said, I’m Mr. Starks.” Quinton looks at Amelia. This woman clearly has no interest in my shopping at the moment. She’s definitely single and easy.

“Tell me, Mr. Starks, what type of space are you looking for?” She runs her fingers up and down his forearm. Quinton looks at me, and my eyebrow hitches watching her. Jealousy surges through my veins.

“A bar,” he blurts. He moves away from her touch. Quinton doesn’t want her touching him.

“You should come by the marina tonight. They are having live music, drinks and dancing,” she invites him. “I will be there.” She smirks as she walks toward me. “I doubt you will come, right Amelia? You never come to these things.”

I roll my eyes at her. “Right.” I grab a wedding Christmas ornament. “Lori, can you inscribe today’s date on this please? It shouldn’t take you too long to figure it out … right?” I hiss. I turn my head to the side. “I mean I know you spend a god-awful amount of time intoxicated and at the salons getting that perfectly bleach blonde hair.”

She gasps at my curtness. I just purse my lips. I don’t care; she’s being a snot to me in front of Quinton and practically drooling over his amazing as hell body. She sashays to the back. “It may take like fifteen minutes for the date to dry.”

“We’ll wait,” Quinton casually comments as he walks up to me. “Well … well, Ms. Amelia has a little sassiness.” He grins his approval.

Red faced I shrug, her touching him unexplainably pissed me off. “She’s a bitch,” I whisper. I look at him to gauge his response to my comment. “We’ve not been especially close since we bought the inn. Plus she’s single and prays on every unmarried man that comes to this area.” I look at him before looking back towards the back of her store. “I’m surprised she didn’t give you her number,” I quip.

“She’s not my type,” Quinton assures as she returns with my ornament.

“Should I gift wrap this?”

“Yes, thank you Lori.” Living with Eric I’ve learned to fake niceness.

“You having a wedding at the inn?”

“No, two of my guests are marrying today … actually on one of the boats.”

“Well, here you go.” She hands me the gift box and I pay her. “Mr. Starks here’s my number.” She holds out her business card to him. I roll my eyes, adjusting my purse and fiddling with the ornament bag.

“That won’t be necessary,” Quinton says. I bite my bottom lip. I can’t hide my laugh as I start walking away. “I would never call you. I’m not interested.” I feel him put his hand on the small of my back as he leans around the front of me to open the door. I hear her gasp as we walk out.