Page 120 of Captivated

Amelia laughs as she turns to look at Tina. “I’ve never tried it. It looks fun.” She looks back at me, smiling. “Is it fun Mr. Starks?”

“If you say my name, I’ll get us a couple.” I kiss her lips, tickling my fingertips under her ass cheeks. She’s grinning, flexing tighter against me.

“Mr. Starks,” she purrs. I laugh shaking my head. “My sex god,” she whispers. I smugly shrug … I like it … but no not that name. I start flicking my fingers around her bottom. “Quinton,” she moans in my ear followed up by a long lick. She sucks my ear lobe as she pushes out of my arms. She spoke right to my cock!

She’s grinning, swimming away on her back and watching me. Her tits crest the top of the water. I lunge for her, making her laugh and scream. She’s trying to turn to swim faster, but she’s not fast enough. I’ve got her.

I’m tickling her and she’s laughing, trying to get away. I grab her hauling her on my shoulders. “Stop it. Don’t you dare,” she screams. Beachgoers stop and see what is happening. I spank her ass and toss her.

I wait for her to come up, making sure she’s okay. She’s laughing. I turn around heading back towards Michael and Andy. They’re laughing as I act like I just dusted my hands of her.

She pounces on my back, knocking me off balance.She’s trying to knock me down.“Baby you’re trying to take down two hundred and thirty pounds of muscle.” She’s given up and slid around to my front. I’m carrying her like a baby. Her head is back in defeat, looking at Andy and Michael upside down. Her tits look amazing at this angle.

“Really? You two can’t take him down.” She’s challenging them. I laugh.

“Oh shit.” I put her down as they charge me like bulls. One on each of my arms, they push me back. She jumps in the middle, trying push me down.

“Tina baby,” Michael calls for backup.

“Tierra,” Andy calls too. What the fuck?

“Y’all still can’t get me down.” I’ve locked my legs, activated my powerhouse. This is a hell of a sight. I can see people watching and laughing.

Amelia lets go, huffing. She’s watching and grinning. “This is insane, to be this big and strong,” I hear her yell. Andy and Michael are in agreement. She comes back up to me and dips her hand in my shorts, grabbing me and I drop down. She used sex as her weapon.

She’s excited, jumping up and down, cheering for herself. Andy and Michael are dying laughing.

“We always knew your cock was your weakness,” Andy chides.

“It’s not my cock, it’s the vixen who fondled me.” I’m laughing as I point at her. “You’re mine tonight.”

“Can’t wait lover,” Amelia sasses her ass out of the water. Tina and Tierra follow her.

“Damn.” Andy looks at me. Michael’s grinning.

“Yeah, you two have no idea.” I grin watching that fine ass walk to the paddle boards. “Watch the guys start flexing their muscles and drooling.” I laugh looking at them. “See, right on cue.”


“How come you’re just gliding perfectly across the water, and I’m not?” I suck at this shit. Quinton thinks it’s hilarious.

“You have to find your sweet spot on the board. Where you are centered.” He’s making circles around me. “Maybe you should try it on your knees until you get used to it.”

“Oh snap, boss wants her on her knees.” Gerry is dying. I smirk, looking at him. Quinton grins mouthing the words, “Oh yeah.”

I roll my eyes, stick the paddle in the center, and this time I hop both feet up a little because last time I turned over. “Stop looking at my tits Quinton,” I tease.

“I am not.” I roll my eyes at him. “Okay, maybe I was.” I hear Andy and Michael laughing.

“Tina and Tierra look like freaking paddle board models,” I huff getting my balance. “I look like a wet rat looking for a lifeline.” The guys are laughing it up. “Oh hey, look, I got my sweet spot.” I look at them, grinning.

“Good, now hold one hand in center of paddle and the other at top, for smooth strokes.” Quinton is grinning watching me. “See babe you got it.”

“So Quinton, an estate in the Hamptons?” I laugh, looking up and focusing.

“Yeah.” He nods with a smile watching me, then looks over at the guys.

“I’ve never been to the Hamptons.” I look at him. “You got a staff there too?”