Page 110 of Captivated

She’s beautiful, laughing, clapping, and cheering Marcus and Gerry on. “How did you get us a table right at the stage? It was reserved.”

“I had Steve reserve us a table by the stage for tonight.” She’s dancing in her chair. She’s never been to a karaoke bar. “You’re going up next,” I tell her.

“What?” she gasps, looking around the table. We’re all grinning and nodding. “No, I don’t sing, much less sing in front of people.”

“Sweetheart, this is what it’s all about. Get that sweet ass up there and sing your heart out. No one cares if you’re good or bad. It’s just fun.” I know she’s going to sound beautiful. I still remember the sweetest singing my ears ever heard that night.

“I don’t know any songs.” She wants to but is nervous.

“You pick the song from the list, then they display it on the prompter.” She follows Andy’s finger as he’s pointing. She nods. “It lights up when you’re to sing. If the song has backup singers, you will hear that part, unless you have multiple people singing. They can change it at the DJ system.”

“Well, I’m warning you all, I suck! You’re going to be mortified to have to sit with me.” She’s cracking me up. She has no idea how beautiful she sounds.

“You’ve never took voice or singing lessons?” Tina pipes up. Amelia shakes her head, downing her drink. She’s nervous as Gerry and Marcus finishes their duet. Everyone is clapping and whistling.

Amelia freezes in her seat when the DJ calls her name over the sound system. “You’re up sweetheart.” I stand, pulling her up by the hands. She covers her face as I walk with her up on the stage. The crowd is laughing and cheering for her to do it. The DJ jokes with the crowd about her being a karaoke virgin and nerves. “Just have fun sweetheart.” I kiss her on the cheek.

“I can’t believe you did that to her,” Tina spat when I returned to the table. I laugh. She’s going to be great.

“She’ll be fine. She’s just nervous.” I watch her pick her song and the DJ talking to her. She’s nodding. The lights dim, the room goes quiet. I grin looking at the gang.

“Whoo, you got this girlfriend,” Tierra cheers.

I clap my hands. “You got this,” I yell. She rolls her eyes at me with a smirk. I laugh, looking at the gang.

The lights fade, and she starts to sing in the sweetest voice I’ve ever heard. She’s singing the first verse to the song “Follow You” by Echosmith. My heart stops as she sings the chorus. Her eyes are closed. She starts to relax by the second verse, and she’s opening her eyes. This time on the chorus she’s adding her hands.

“Damn,” Tierra whispers, “she’s really good.” I grin and nod like I have something to do with it. I don’t have anything to do with it.

We’re all holding our breaths; hell the entire room was quiet. “She’s fucking beautiful,” I tell them, “I’m going to marry her.”

“We know you are.” Andy nods. Michael smiles.

I’m standing by the last verse, the lights go dark and the room erupts with claps and whistles. “Yeah sweetheart,” I yell clapping. I’m walking towards her when she comes off the stage.

I swoop her up in my arms, covering her mouth with a full open-mouth kiss, her tongue slides eagerly into my mouth. Our tongues twist and twirl together perfectly. I rake my hand up the back of her head through her hair, holding her to me. She moans into my lips. I start kissing down her jaw, to her ear.

“You sounded beautiful.”

“It’s how I feel about you,” she whispers resting her forehead against mine with her eyes closed. She knocked the wind out me.

“That was amazing,” Tierra interrupt us. She’s looking at me. I don’t have time to respond, Andy and Michael are grabbing me. She laughs as she watches us run to the stage.

She told me she loves me in a roundabout way. I’m reeling. I look at Andy and Michael. “We going to fucking rock this. Let’s drop some male stripper dance moves too, like we use to do in the frat house.”

“We’re singing, ‘The Wolf’ by The Spencer Lee Band.” Michael grins.

“Sounds good.” I nod. “Chorus we all sing, then just take turns picking up the verses. I got the first.”

“I got the second verse.” Andy grins.

“Leaves the best for last,” Michael smarts. “We just keep following this pattern, chorus all.” I give him a thumbs up.

The lights fade up, we’re pumping and rolling our hips to the beat, I start singing the first verse, looking straight at Amelia. When we start the chorus we look like a set of Chippendales pumping our hips and hopping forward.

Amelia is screaming and dancing, clapping her hands. We’re clapping and strutting on the stage, like we own it. Tierra and Tina are screaming and dancing. We’re shaking it.

Amelia, Tierra, and Tina jump us as we walk off the stage; the crowd is laughing and whistling. “You guys did awesome.” Amelia is laughing. I laugh wrapping my arms around her waist, kissing her lips as we walk back to the table.