Page 80 of Captivated

“Understood.” He walks me to the sofa. “I don’t want you unconscious all night. Here, sit with Marcus, I need to speak with the captain.”

“Lioness, you want another shot?” I laugh at Marcus.

“No way! I’m good for the rest of the evening.” I close my eyes laying my head back on the cushions. “I’m already so tired.”

“The sun, water, and booze does it to you.” Marcus laughs.

I look at Marcus. “Can I ask you something? I mean it’s on my mind and you are a doctor in this field.”

“He’s been given orders not to be a therapist this week.” Gerry laughs as he plops down beside us.

I laugh looking at Marcus. “Ask me anything dear,” he says.

“I’ve always heard relationships that start as affairs never end well.” I don’t know how to actually form the question.

“And you’re worried about you and Quinton.” I nod, laying my head on his shoulder.

“Well, I told you he was going to rock your world. This week is just a glimpse, a savory taste of what your life will be like.” Gerry laughs, stroking my hair.

“I like him so much, probably more than anyone or thing in my life,” I whisper. “But after the thrill, and he comes down from this high, will I be enough? Is the thought of conquering another man’s wife a turn on for him?”

“Oh damn, Lioness is equally smitten.” Gerry grins.

“If people start a relationship off in an affair, won’t that relationship suffer because one of them will miss that rush and feel the need to fulfill it by cheating?” I look down, feeling nervous. My hands are tingling; my cheeks heated. I feel weird. “I’ve never cheated nor considered myself a cheater. I’ve always known I couldn’t ever do that to someone … but now I can’t say that because I am a cheater. Up until now, I’ve never betrayed anyone on any level.” Shit, who am I becoming? What path am I following? “Whether I like it or not, I am married. Married to man not here.” I think I’m going to vomit. My head is spinning.

“It’s true a lot of times, once a cheater always a cheater.” Marcus is now stroking my hair. I think he can feel my tension. “But those people also have a cheater personality or traits about them. Quinton doesn’t have those. I suspect by the fact you’ve never in the past, you don’t either. Bottom line is you’ve been in a toxic marriage for years. You’ve finally accepted you want more, and a person’s heart wants what it wants.”

I pull back, looking at him. “And now?” I feel like I’m about to have a panic attack.Shit, shit. My chest is tight … heavy.“I can’t breathe …”

“Amelia are you alright?” Marcus asks. “Amelia?”

I don’t answer, shit my chest is about to explode and I can’t breathe. My head is spinning. I think I’m drunk. I hear Gerry leaving to get Quinton. I don’t look up, my feet and the deck are spinning.

“Amelia.” I hear Toni’s voice closing in as he swoops me up. “She’s probably just a little dehydrated. Too much sun and booze.” I feel him carrying me downstairs to the inside lounge sofa. “You need get out of the heat Ms. Amelia. Get a cool rag.”

“Amelia!” Quinton booms flying down the stairs. “What happened to her?”

“She’s too hot, maybe a little dehydrated from the sun and booze.” I feel him move so Quinton can take his seat. God he’s handsome.

“Here.” Tierra stretches out a wet cloth.

Quinton is blotting my face; it’s cold. “I’m fine.” I’m pushing the rag out of my face. “I’m fine.” He’s not buying it.

“Get her some water stat.” He leans me up in his arms. “Here, drink.” I listen to them talk as I sip the water.

“You’re fussing over nothing,” I assure them. “I just started having like a small panic attack. I’m fine.”

“Why would you have a panic attack?” He looks at Marcus. “We’re you being a therapist again?” He smirks, shaking his head.

“She asked me, I didn’t know she was going to get so excited talking about her feelings for you.” Quinton looks down at me. I grab the cold rag and cover my face.

Tierra and Tina giggle as they walk off. “See, she said she was fine. Andy, why don’t we go to our room for a little bit of nooky before dinner?” Tierra offers.

“Yeah, that may be good idea, why don’t we all take a break before dinner?” Quinton looks back down at me. I can see him, even with a rag over my eyes. “Dinner is at seven tonight.” I feel him lifting me up. “Come on.”

“I can walk,” I tell him, but he chuckles as he carries me.