Page 65 of Captivated

“You can be sir.” He grins. “Looks like things are progressing well with Ms. Amelia.” I grin back at him.

“Yes, yes it appears so. Show the newbie the ropes.” I leave him to find the captain to deal with the situation.

When I return to the lounge, I don’t see Amelia. Instead everyone else is sitting around. “She’s changing into her swimsuit.” Tierra smiles. “You get your crew under control,” she teases. I roll my eyes.

Toni brings me a gin with lime. “About time to start partying.” Andy grins as he grabs Tierra’s hand. “Let’s find some tunes. Toni, I need a drink,” I hear him yell. Tierra is excellent at picking mood music playlists.

“Marcus.” I grin as he sits down beside me. “Do you two always coordinate your attire?” I notice his leopard swim shorts.

“He loves to match me.” Gerry perches next to him. I laugh, he’s already drinking his cosmo. “We want to do karaoke when we go inland.”

“Good, you know I love to karaoke. I wonder if Amelia does.” I grin remembering her sweet voice singing that night. God, she has a magical voice.

“We will get her to sing with us.” Tina smiles. “You know a group of drunk dancing, singing chicks, what’s hotter?” I laugh.

“Nothing,” Michael concedes. “Look at you three grooving.” He pulls out his phone. I lean over, damn she’s hot. “I for sure want to see you three on a stage dancing on one another.”

“I think I’ll see what’s keeping Amelia.” As I approach the door I can hear her crying.Shit, does she feel like the kiss went too far? Then I hear his voice, that’s the reason she’s crying.

She turns as I open the door and quickly wipes her tears. I motion to leave, so she can have privacy, but she doesn’t want me to go. I swagger quietly to my bed, where she’s laying with her phone.

“I expect your fucking ass to be on that flight Friday, Amelia. Saturday we’re attending a formal dinner, so find something appropriate. Nothing like what you wore to Libation.”

She’s watching me. “Eric why can’t you accept I’m not coming to Birmingham?” She rolls her eyes.

“You’re acting like a fucking bitch!” I come off the bed at his words. I’m about to tell that fucktard a thing or two. Amelia grabs my arm. She’s shaking her head. “You’ve made your point—you’re pissed about the other morning. Get over it. I told you, you had to accept my apology. This is the end of it,” he yells. He has no idea how correct he is—this is the end of it!“Look they were able to issue a flight credit, not a full refund. I’ll have a car pick you up Friday to bring you to the airport. That way we don’t have to drive back separately on Sunday.” Amelia is shaking her head.

“I wish you could hear how you sound,” Amelia pleads. “You can’t make me get on a flight, Eric. I wouldn’t waste your time sending a car Friday because I won’t be here.”

He laughs. “What do you mean you won’t be there? Where the fuck do you plan on being?” She rolls her eyes.

“The Bahamas,” she sighs. I cover my face, muffling my laughter. “I just won’t be here, don’t worry your small brain about it.” I laugh quietly at her smartness. I crawl next to her, running my fingers up and down her back. I can feel her swimsuit straps under the sheer coverup. A small moan escapes her throat as she closes her eyes; she likes my touches. I lean down, pulling her hair away from her face and kiss her cheek. I taste the salt of her tears. Fucktards’ voice is irritating me as he continues hounding her.

“You feeling brave? Let’s see how brave you are face to face.” I flinch at his enjoyment of scaring her, but I keep touching his wife’s lovely body. He doesn’t appreciate her at all, but I do. I can literally feel the tension leaving her body under my touch. “Don’t be stupid Amelia. You will be sorry if you miss that flight.”

No, she won’t be sorry.I start sucking her neck as I gently caressed her back.

“Do you understand?” he asks her.

“Yes,” she purrs but it’s not in response to him. My lips smile against the sheer fabric as I continue my kissing. I stroll my hands down over her back, grasping her ass. I really want to run my hand under her coverup.

“Amelia, what are you doing?”

She giggles and thrashes around, as I start tickling and digging into her sides. “Stop it” she whispers, trying to keep quiet. I don’t care if Eric discovers she’s found someone new.

“Who is at the house with you?” She freezes at his question and smirks at me.

“No one is at the house, Eric.” That’s the god’s honest truth. “Are you done?” she asks him as she strokes my forearm. I watch her nibble my fingertips. I take a deep breath. She grins before she sucks the tip of my thumb. Clasping her hand to mine, I nibble and kiss the inside of her hand. Damn his wife is sweet. I close my eyes. She just spoke straight to my cock.

I hear him take a deep breath. “I guess I’m just short because I’m tense. I need you here to get rid of my tension.” Well, that comment is a cock blocker. She gags with her finger down her throat. I quietly laugh.

“I would be no use to you. I am not touching you.” I can hear the disgust in her voice.No, she certainly won’t be touching you, nor you her.

“You always say that, but I always win.” She rolls her eyes.That’s now past tense!

“Yeah for two minutes. It’s not worth my time,” she remarks and I cover my face with my pillow.

“I’ve told you it’s your fault, you’re so fucking tight.” Oh shit, now I’m interested. I remove the pillow. She’s turning red.