“Tell me, did the girl go down on you?” Michael high-fives him.
“This is not my best hour.” I say, rolling my eyes.
“Fuck, she did?” Michael high-fives Andy. I roll my eyes.
Marcus takes the quarter and flips it. “Call it.”
“Heads.” He grabs a shot. “Damn it!”
He laughs. “Here’s an easy one … I’ll piggyback on our earlier conversation. What happened that ended your marriage in your eyes?”
“Oh … um … okay, well, for starters we never had anything remotely like what I see between you guys.” I look up at them all. “I knew it was a mistake from the start. Can I take a shot anyway?” They laugh as Quinton slides one to me. I toss it back. “Okay. Like I said, it was a huge mistake. I wanted an annulment. He persuaded me to give it a try. So I did. It was always work.” I roll my eyes. “Anyway the turning point that you’re interested in, happened six years ago.”
I bite my bottom lip and sigh. “Six years ago I found out I was pregnant.” I don’t look up at Tierra and Tina’s gasps. I stare at my drink. “My dad was sick and in the hospital. I was staying late nights with him because he had a poor prognosis. Well, I didn’t want to bring a child into that environment. So I decided I could raise the child alone better than as a couple. I came in late from the hospital. He was ragging me about being so late and pregnant. I told him I was leaving him. He got really pissed and—well, let’s just say I ended up at the bottom of two flights of stairs. It all happened so quickly.” Quinton cusses under his breath. I digress, “Anyway apparently, I had been unconscious for almost a week in the hospital. Bottom line, he died to me that night on the stairs—the day my daddy died alone in the hospital—and I lost the baby, which I was relieved for that blessing. The details of the event never did come back to me. I went behind his back and had one of those IUDs inserted while I was still there because I had no intention of ending up in that condition again.” I look up and grab a shot.
“I think we can all use a shot after this horrific insight,” Marcus says as they all toss a shot.
“He still doesn’t know I have an IUD; and when he does force his marital right, he fusses about wearing a raincoat.” I take another shot. My head is starting feel fuzzy and warm. “He’s a true asshole.” I pull another shot towards me, fingering the glass.
Quinton slides the shot back and wraps his arm around me. “I’m sorry. I hate him even more now.”
“Sorry, that part of my life just puts me in a vile mood,” I whisper. I shake my head and inhale. “Pass the coin.”
Michael grabs it. “You still want to play? That was deep.”
“Flip it.”
He grins and flips. “Call it.”
“Tales.” He takes a shot.
“Tell us about the chick going down on you. Did you like it? What was the guy doing? Basically details of that.”
“No, I didn’t care for it. She was all over the place. He was all over me. I couldn’t focus and was bored. I started drinking more wine in bed next to them while they ended up having sex. He had a little vibrator thingy, he used on me while she rode him. Hell, that was better than her tongue or his cock.”
“That’s hot.” Michael grins. “I’m officially turned on.” I roll my eyes. He passes the coin to Tina.
She flips it. “Call it?”
“Tales.” She takes a shot.
“I’m truly terrible at this game. I seem to call all the wrong faces.” I laugh as I wait for her question.
“What’s the best sex you ever had?”
“I’ll let you know when it happens.” She dies laughing. “I’m serious, it has to be better than one-minute guys or vibrators or female tongues.” I start giggling.
“She’s drunk and cute.” Tierra laughs. “Shall we continue?”
“Yes,” I breathe, sounding sexier than I intended. I see Quinton grinning and watching me out of my peripheral vision.
She flips it. “Call it.”
“Tales.” She grins as she pushes a shot to me. “Finally I got one.”
Quinton slides it back. “Maybe you should take a sip. You’re getting pretty inebriated.”
“You’re right I am.” I start dancing in my chair as I take a sip. “You’re so sexy,” I blurt looking at him.