“That’s fine. Don’t rush back.”
“You don’t even care I’m not there.” I roll my eyes.
“Let’s just say I’m using this time to put things into perspective.” Quinton is nibbling my fingers.
“Perspective? Don’t try to get any fucking ideas Amelia.” Quinton stops kissing my fingers. “I already told you, divorce isn’t an option. You can get that out of your damn head. You’re mine.”
I grin watching Quinton. He really isn’t playing, nice nibbling the back of my hand and fingers like I’m an ice cream.
“I’ve got another call,” Eric tells me. “I love you. I’ll talk with you later.” Quinton stops his teasing.
“Okay, bye.” I hang up. I look at my phone, shutting it completely off.
“Perspective?” Quinton growls. “How’s this for perspective Amelia?” He’s on me in a flash digging and tickling across my hips, ribs, and stomach. “I love to hear you laugh.” We’re laughing as I’m wiggling away. “It’s the most beautiful sound I’ve ever heard.”
“Stop,” I scream laughing. “Stop. I can’t breathe.” He’s laughing and not stopping.
“How’s this for perspective? I want to make you laugh for the rest of your life!”
“Oh … my … God, Quinton Starks is smitten.” Tierra laughs. We stop laughing and look towards her voice. Quinton grins as he pushes off me, pulling me up with him.
“We want some water time, it’s hot as Hades out there.” Tierra smirks as she watches us. “You two are too cute. Tina might have melted if she walked in on that.”
“Well, let’s go play.” Quinton kisses Tierra on the cheek as he pops my butt before he runs out. I laugh at him.
“I told you, he’s a big flirt and a big kid. Boys and their toys.” Tierra wraps her arm through mine. “Come on, let’s get another drink.”
Amelia is watching the crew set up the floating trampoline. Her ass felt amazing against my hand. Fucktard is out the door. I’m going to make that my personal mission.
“Tierra said she found you two pretty cozy.” I looked at Andy. “You going to hit it tonight?”
“You going to hit that fine piece of ass you’re married to?” I grin looking at him. He smirks as we’re watching them. “I didn’t bring anything. I didn’t want to have something and her assume I was expecting it.”
Andy laughs. “Well, I certainly don’t have anything. Tierra has one of those IUDs. No babies. No weight gain like the pill or shot.”
“I wasn’t asking, I think I’m just going to see how it plays out.” I smile looking at him. “She called his ass.”
“Oh, was he a shit?”
“Somewhat, he would have been livid if he knew I was laying beside her.” He laughs. “I dig her.”
“About damn time, we all ‘dig her’ as you put it.” I turn as Michael joins. “Here … thought you might need a gin on the rocks.” I nod and drink it.
“Look at Gerry in his speedo with her, he’s a terrible flirt. Thank god he swings the other way.”
I walk over to the sound system. “We need music and booze.” I turn it up loud. She looks up and I point my finger for her to come to me. “Look at the way she moves.” I grin looking at Andy and Michael. I see the appreciation on their faces.
“Dance with me.” I pull her into me. I’ve got my gin in one hand and she’s in my other. We’re swaying to “Slow Dance” by AJ Mitchell. My eyes are closed, and she’s lost in my arms. I’m never letting her go. I can’t go back to the way it was.
When I open my eyes, we’re all dancing to this song. Marcus and Gerry are a hoot to watch. Gerry in his speedo and Marcus in speedo shorts. Marcus is definitely more conservative. The captain comes up and tells me the swim deck and trampoline are ready.
Another song comes on, and she’s pulling me back to her. She’s not ready to stop. I grin as I watch her turn out of my hands. She’s slinging her hair, arms in the air, hips moving. Tierra and Tina join in, sandwiching her. Damn her seductive eyes are looking at me. I motion for Toni to get us a round of shots.
“That’s hot.” Michael grins watching.
“Yeah it is.” Andy snaps a picture with his phone.