Page 50 of Captivated

“You can have anyone you want. Why are you interested in some married scullery maid?” I tease.

“Scullery maid; you’re funny Amelia.” He chuckles, looking up at the ceiling.

“I am serious. Why are you interested in some married lady? Is it because I’m off the market; the thought of conquering forbidden fruit?”

“What? No!” I watch him spring off the bed. I stand too. He’s looking at me. “I dreamt of you. I can’t explain it, but I dreamt of you … before we ever met. You were mine. We were perfect. Then when I met you …” he pauses, shaking his head, “you knocked the wind out of me. Every day since has started and ended with you! Then I dream about you.” He closes the gap between us—sliding his hands around my waist—pulling me towards him. “I don’t know what to do about it.”

“I’ve dreamt of you too.” Even I can hear my seductive tone. “You were in my dreams for weeks before you walked into my inn.” I look up at him. “I don’t know what we can do about this. I am married.”

“Do you still love him?”

Now there’s a simple question. “No.”

“Leave him.” I stare at him. I wish it was that easy.

“He won’t give me a divorce. That was one of our fights recently.” I touch my lip thinking about it all.

“He can’t stop you from leaving him. He can’t force you to stay.” He’s now sitting me down on the bed. “I know I can’t tell you what to do.”

I lace our fingers, rubbing his hand. “Can we please just have a good time? I’ve had the best day of my life with you. I don’t want to stress over this.”

“I’m just letting you know, I’m not promising I’m going to play nice. I see you. I want you. Bottom line.”

“I’ve never cheated on anyone in my life. But I …” I jump when my phone rings. “It’s Eric.”

“Do you want me to leave?”

“No, you don’t have to. Just be quiet.” I eye him as he pretends to zip his smug mouth. He lays back on my bed lacing his fingers behind his head. He has no shirt and he looks hot. I click the speaker.

“Hello.” He’s watching me and I’m watching him. Can I have an affair? I certainly want to see what happens with him.

“Amelia I’ve been calling you,” I hear Eric’s pukeage voice.

“I turned my phone off.”

“You hung up on me.”

“You were yelling at me. I wasn’t going to listen to it.”

“Are you home?” I look at Quinton.

“Why?” I shake my head. “Where do you think I would be?”

“I need you to go look on my desk for that paper. It should be on top.”

“Ok.” I sit right where I’m at looking at Quinton. I mute my phone and crawl towards him. He releases his hands. I rub my hand down his chest as I feel him wrap his arm around me cuddling into his body. He feels good. I unmute my phone and lay it on his chest.

“I don’t see it.”

“Well, it should be there. I don’t have it.”

“I don’t know, there’s nothing on your desk.” I troll my fingers across his stomach. He’s grinning, biting his bottom lip. I shrug and smile.

“Fuck. I don’t know where it would be then.” I’m not really listening, Quinton is lacing our fingers again. I’m tingling in my bikini bottoms. “Well, what are you doing tonight?” he asks me.

“Turning my music up loud and dancing since you’re not in the house. You hate it when I do. So it’s the perfect time.” Quinton rolls his eyes as our fingers are laced. I hold my breath as he kisses the back of my hand softly. I shift, resting my leg on his.

“Yeah I do.” Eric laughs. “I’ll be late Sunday.”