Page 49 of Captivated

“Open your mouth.” Quinton’s holding an oyster Rockefeller with hot sauce. I open my mouth as his eyes study my lips. He places the oyster on the tip of my mouth and I tilt my head back. “I wanted to feed you at my club that night.” I grin at his confession.

“I wanted you to,” I whisper. Shit, I have no idea where that acknowledgement came from. He grins looking at me. I watch everyone else sit down.

“You two are cute together,” Tina blurts out. I grin at her. I don’t say anything. We’re not really together. The reality is, we can’t be. I’m living a dangerous fantasy. Eric will never let me go.

“Tina,” Michael warns.

“What? They are.”

“Oh wow!” I grin, turning and hanging over the side rail … a pair of dolphins are soaring along the side of the boat. “Look at them. They’re beautiful.” They’re not overly interested …

I jump and gasp, looking over my shoulder at Quinton resting his big hands on my derriere. I hear them laughing.

“You can’t shake this in my face.” He laughs as he pops it softly. “It’s practically naked.” I turn red as I scoot back to a sitting position. “You can ask Andy, if Tierra shakes it in my face, I will smack it.”

“It’s true.” Tierra rolls her eyes as she bites her lobster tail. “Quinton has never had a girlfriend, so he’s always been a terrible flirt. We feed off each other.”

“Yeah they do.” Tina laughs. “You’ll see Amelia, we all flirt and play. But we all know where our boundaries lie. That’s something you never have to worry will be crossed by any of us.”

“I’m envious of you all having such a close relationship.” I look down at my plate. “I don’t have anything like this with anyone.”

“Yeah you do.” I look up as Tierra reaches her hand out touching mine. “You got us. We all like you.” I laugh as I sip my cosmo. “I’m serious girl, we’re here for you. You got a group in your corner now.”

“Tierra you’re getting too deep for lunch,” Tina teases. “She gets it. We like her and we hope she likes hanging with us.” I laugh as Tina rolls her eyes. “We have no secrets, so you’re going to have to open up about this marriage disaster.”

“Oh wow!” I exhale as I grin taking a bite of lobster. “Well, no secrets, huh? This is my first time on a group trip, yacht, or eating lobster.” They laugh at me. “I’ll keep the deep shit for when we’re not eating, how about that?” I tease looking at Quinton. His friends have accepted me! I’m going to spill it and get it off my chest. This will be the first time in my life.

Quinton laughs. “Oysters were a first for her too. That weekend I went down to check out the new club location I took her to lunch.”

I smile looking at his eyes. “Yes, another first with you!” God he really is quite sexy. I wish this could be permanent. Him! His gang! I exhale as I grab my cosmo.

“Can you let me out?”

He grins, shaking his head as he stands. “You okay?”

“Yeah I just need some air.” I walk to the outer deck and relax on one of the lush sofas. He’s watching me.I need some air, what the hell?I’m on a damn yacht. That’s all I have … air! I smile as Toni brings a fresh cosmo. “Oh thanks!”

Well, I succeeded in holding his attention with this bikini, it was good choice. I’ve never pranced around uncovered in a swimsuit before today. My mind is reeling with everything.

I walk downstairs and grab my bag.Shittwenty miss calls. His texts are as ugly as his words. I don’t delete them, I’ve got ten years of it saved: text messages, voicemails. Our marriage is a disaster, Tina hit the nail on the head. If it wasn’t broken all ready, I wouldn’t be here. I’ve already emotionally checked out. It’s an empty shell of people walking through the emotions, about like the shell that I exist in, when I am with him.

I grin thinking about Quinton rubbing me with lotion, tickling me, and laughing together. I look at my fingers, they’ve been intertwined with his all day—another man’s! A man I am not married to. I wanted him to kiss me today and would’ve been powerless to stop it. My body wants him; my lips want to explore him. Holy sweet baby Jesus, I’m truly turned on. I cannot remember the last time I felt desire. I’m really falling for him and cannot act on these emotions. We cannot do anything other than flirtatious banter. I hate being married.

I need to call Eric before it gets too late. I lay a towel on top of the bedding before I plop down on my stomach. Inhaling I press Eric’s name. I hate his face right now. His phone rings and I get his voicemail. I hang up.

“Knock. Knock,” Quinton says. “You sure you’re okay?” He’s so careful how he studies me.

“Yeah.” I look up, laying across the towel.

He laughs tugging it. “What’s this?”

“A towel,” I tease. He rolls his eyes. “I didn’t want to get sunscreen on your bedding.”

“You’re funny Amelia. Trust me, I’m not worried about it.” He plops down on the foot of the bed. “Calling Eric?”

“Yeah.” I show him the missed calls. “I wanted to clear it up with him before I get to many drinks in my system.” He just nods as he rubs his palms together. “What are you thinking?”

“About you.” He laughs. “I like you, Amelia. Really like you.” I turn on my side so I can see him. “I want so much with you and I’ve never wanted it before. Tina wasn’t joking up there; I don’t have girlfriends. I don’t even date.” He’s looking at me, strolling his eyes over my body. “I don’t want to be just your friend.” There it is, his affirmation of what he really wants.