Page 134 of Captivated

I’m sort of relieved to face this over the phone now. I run down and grab my phone. Quinton is talking with Michael and Andy when I came back up to the deck. I sit down next to Quinton. “If he hasn’t seen the news, I’m still not telling him about us.” He shrugs with a nod.

“As you wish sweetheart.” He leans back, putting his arm around my shoulders. “Put him on speaker … we’ll be quiet.” I nod, placing my phone in the center of the table.

I feel like I’m about to hurl my coconut rum punch when he answers. “Amelia! It’s about fucking time.” I roll my eyes, looking at the guys. “Where the hell are you?” He screams, “Answer the fucking question!” I bite my bottom lip, looking at Quinton.

Taking a deep breath and squaring my shoulders, I try to muster up all the courage I have looking at Quinton, the guys …I can be a hard ass.“That doesn’t matter. It’s not your concern. Look I …”

He balks at my comment. “It does most certainly matter and concern me.” He huffs. “You’re my damn wife or has that minor detail escaped your small mind? So tell me, my sweet little wife, where the fuck are you?” I look up at Quinton. “Amelia!” I naturally jump in my seat at his screams. “Answer the goddamn question. You haven’t answered or called since Thursday.” He is pissed. I hit the mute button.

“Shit! I don’t know what I should say to him.” I look at Quinton, Michael, and Andy. “I mean, would you want to hear the truth over the phone or just make it simple?”

“Tell him the truth,” Quinton quips, “he’s going to find out about us anyway.”

“Amelia?” Eric barks. I roll my eyes, hitting the mute button again.

“What?” I hiss back. “Will you stop yelling at me?” I raise my voice. I look at Quinton, he’s whispering for me to tell him it is over. Andy and Michael agree with him, to end it over the phone. I exhale. “I am not coming back. It’s over. I want out.” I take a sip of my drink, waiting for his response. He’s unusually quiet. “Eric, are you there?” I can hear him breathing.

“Well … so there it is,” he hisses. “You planned this … from the beginning. That’s why you were adamant you weren’t coming on my business trip. Had to make arrangements, did ya?”

I don’t confirm or deny his allegations. “I don’t want anything. I just want out.” I look up at the guys, they’re all intently staring at my phone.

“After ten years of marriage, you think you can end things over a phone call.” His voice cracks. “Fuck it!” I hear something crash on the other end. I jump but he can’t touch me. Quinton touches my shoulder. His tone becomes contentious, “No! Too fucking bad … you’re my wife. You said vows to me, or have you fucking forgot that? Do you think you could spend a weekend away from me and think I’ll just let you leave? Just walk away from us, our life, the B and B … me? Then you really are one fucking crazy bitch!”

“Eric, you can’t make me stay married to you,” I tell him, but my gut is saying yeah right. “And why in the hell would you think I would want to? Listen to how you just spoke to me, name calling … really?”

“Amelia, just come home. Stop this shit. You cost me money for that stupid ass ticket. We can talk about it when you get here.”

I titter a laugh. “Eric I’m not coming home. Do you understand? I want a divorce.” I stand up holding my phone. “You can’t make me stay your wife. I’m not going to. So accept it or … or … fuck off!” My hands are shaking. Quinton grabs my phone and sets it down on the table. Andy and Michael give me a thumbs up. Quinton grabs my face in his hands, covering my lips with an open-mouth kiss. His tongue is sweet and soothing.

“Fuck off? You really just went there. Oh Amelia, I’m going to find you and when I do, you will be sorry. It’s not over, not from a long shot. I’ll never give you a divorce. I told you before and I meant it, divorce isn’t an option … and if you think for a second I’ll stand by and let someone else have you … I’ll kill your fucking ass first. It wasn’t a threat, Amelia. You're mine and always will be.”

Quinton stops kissing me, looking at the phone. Andy and Michael look at Quinton and then the phone. Andy snatches the phone and Quinton snatches it from him, motioning for him to be quiet.

“Tell him goodbye,” Quinton whispers in my ear, holding my phone.

“Goodbye Eric!”

Quinton disconnects it immediately. “I don’t want you talking to him or seeing him from this point forward!” Quinton’s jaw is hard set and looks seriously pissed off. “I’m going to hang Eric Johansson. He’s threatened and belittled you for the last time!”

“He’s fucking unstable,” Michael quips, “you should have let us say something Quinton.”

My phone is ringing again. “It’s him.” Andy looks at it. “Amelia, you should let us answer it. He has no right threatening you.”

I pinch the bridge of my nose. “No, just let him calm down.”

“Sweetheart you just told him you’re leaving and to fuck off … he’s not calming down.” Quinton looks back at my ringing phone.

I grab it hitting the speaker button. “Yes?” I answer calmly. My hands are shaking like a leaf. Toni brings me a shot. I whisper thanks and toss it.

“Where are you at? I want to talk to you in person.” Eric is slamming things in the background.

“I am done Eric. I am not talking to you. You just freaking threatened me.” I look up, Toni’s bringing me another shot. I toss it. “You will be served with papers this week, should I send them to the office or house?” Andy muffles a laugh. Toni brings me a third shot, and I toss it.

“My wife just told me to fuck off and she was leaving. I think I have a right to be pissed,” he hisses calmly.

“No, you don’t have a right to talk to me that way. That’s exactly why this marriage has been toxic!” Toni brings a fourth shot, which I toss. I feel more relaxed.

“Amelia, are you drinking? Talking to me like that?” Eric asks. I look at my punch.